3a An Overview of ProE.ppt - Mechanical (3证明的概述。).pdf

3a An Overview of ProE.ppt - Mechanical (3证明的概述。).pdf

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3a An Overview of ProE.ppt - Mechanical (3证明的概述。)

AnAn OverviewOverview ofof Pro/ENGINEERPro/ENGINEER The Foundation of Pro/ENGINEER What is Pro/ENGINEER? Pro/ENGINEER is a computer graphics system for modeling various mechanical designs and for performing related design and manufacturing operations. TheThe systemsystem usesuses aa 3D3D solidsolid modelingmodeling systemsystem asas thethe core, and applies the feature-based, parametric modeling method. In short, Pro/ENGINEER is a feature-based, parametric solid modeling system with many extended design and manufacturingmanufacturing applicationsapplications.. How is Pro/ENGINEER different from other CADCAD systems?? Pro/ENGINEER was the first CAD syystem entirelyy based uppon feature-based design and parametric modeling. Today most software producers have recognized the advantage of this approach and shifted their product onto this platform. Nevertheless, the differences between a feature-based, parametric solid modelingg CAD syystem, and a conventional CAD syystem include: Pro/ENGINEER Conventional CAD Systems Solid Model Wireframe and Solid Model Parametric Model Fixed Model Feature-Based Modeling Primitive-Based Modeling Single Data Structure and Full Function-Oriented Data Structure Associativity and Format Interpreters SSubjbjectt-OOriienttedd SSubb-MModdeliling SSysttems AA SiSinglle GGeomettry-BBasedd SSysttem Manufacturing Information Texts Attached to Geometry Entities Associated with Features GenerationGeneration ofof anan AssemblyAssembly byby GenerationGeneration ofof anan AssemblyAssembly byby Assembling Components Positioning Components Ease of Use: • Pro/o/ENGGINEE


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