Applying Architecture Tradeoff Assessment (应用体系结构权衡的评估).pdf

Applying Architecture Tradeoff Assessment (应用体系结构权衡的评估).pdf

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Applying Architecture Tradeoff Assessment (应用体系结构权衡的评估)

Applying Architecture Tradeoff Assessment Method (ATAM) As Part Of Formal Software Architecture Review Christopher Byrnes and Ioannis Kyratzoglou The MITRE Corporation 202 Burlington Road Bedford, MA -1730-1420 USA {cb, ioannis} Abstract. In preparation for a customer’s Software System Critical Design Review (CDR); we concluded that an assessment approach based on a hybrid version of the Software Engineering Institute’s (SEI) Architecture Trade-Off Analysis Method (ATAM) would be a good approach for an assessment of this software architecture. This paper will provide ideas on how to apply the SEI’s ATAM method within the context of a formal software Critical Design Review (CDR) of a large scale complex software system. . Keywords: ATAM, software architecture, CMM, SEI, UML, NR-KPP. 1 Background MITRE and Government support engineers were requested to assess the software architecture for a customer’s project in preparation for a CDR. The focus of this assessment was to investigate at how well system requirements were being designed with particular attention on a number of architecture quality attributes such as, configurability, scalability, modularity, reliability and interoperability. Particular attention was focused on the interoperability and extensibility of the system since it is intended to be enhanced significantly in the future. We concluded that an assessment 2 Christopher Byrnes and Ioannis Kyratzoglou approach based on a hybrid version of the SEI’s ATAM would be optimum for this assignment based on our exper


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