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动力集中与动力分散动车组特点比较(伊朗项目材料) Comparison between EMUs with Centralized and Distributed Power 目前,高速动车组按牵引动力和驱动设备的配置方型分类有两种:动力分散型和动力集中型。 At present, the high-speed EMUs can be divided as per power configuration into two categories - power-distributed EMU and power-centralized EMU. 动力集中型动车组是将大部分机械和电气设备集中安装在位于列车两端的动力车即机车上,机车的动力转向架上装有牵引电机,驱动轮对牵引列车运行。中间客车没有动力,由机车牵引。机车不载客,客车载客。编组一般为机车+拖车形型,示意图如下: As for power-centralized EMU, most of its mechanical and electrical equipment are mounted in the motor cars, i.e. locomotives, at the two ends, and the bogies of the locomotives are equipped with traction motors which drive the train from wheelsets. The intermediate cars are not motored, but hauled by locomotives. The locomotives do not carry any passengers but the intermediate cars do. The composition of such EMU generally adopts the mode of locomotive+trailer, as shown below: 机车 拖车1 拖车2 拖车3 拖车4 拖车5 Loco. Trailer 1 Trailer 2 Trailer 3 Trailer 4 Trailer 5 注: 表示动力轴,表示非动力轴,下同。 Note: stands for motor axle and for trailer axle, same below. 动力分散型动车组是指将大部分机械和电气设备吊挂安装在车辆地板下面,牵引电机安装在列车的全部或部分转向架上,使全部或部分轮对成为列车的驱动源,列车的全部车厢都可载客。 As for power-distributed EMU, most of its mechanical and electrical equipment are mounted below the deck and the traction motors mounted on all or parts of the bogies making all or part of the wheelsets the driving source, and all the cars are able to carry passengers. 全部为动力车 All motor cars 部分为动力车 Partly motor cars 动力集中和动力分散动车组特点比较 Comparison between Features of EMUs with Centralized and Distributed Power 序号 S/N 内容 Contents 动力分散动车组 Power-Distributed EMU 动力集中动车组 Power-Centralized EMU 编组 Composition 通常为固定编组,不可随意增减车辆数量,但可以采取2列联挂方型,动车与拖车同步增加或减少,不会造成过载或欠载。 Composition usually fixed and increase or decrease of cars not permissible, yet pair operation function available, which maintains the portion between motor and trailer cars and thus avoid under load or over load. 可任意加减拖车的数量,编组灵活。加减车厢后牵引力不变(因为动车数量不变),但阻力变化,易造


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