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宿迁市2007-2008学年度高一年级第一学期调研测试 参考答案 听力(20分):1-5CCCBB 6-10BACBB 11-15ACACA 16-20ACCAB 单选(15分):21-25CABDB 26-30 BACCA 31-35DDCBA 完形填空(20分):36-40 BDBDB 41-45CADCC 46-50 ACDCB 51-55 ADBAD 阅读理解(40分):56-59 ABDB 60-63D B A A 64-67ACAB 68-71DABB 72-75. DCDA 单词拼写:()Born in 1965 in Liaoning province, Yang Liwei loved science and technology and wanted to fly in space when he was a young boy. He is kind, hard-working and brave. He joined the army in 1983 and went to college at the same year. In 1987 he graduated and became a pilot. In the following year he was chosen as a member of Project Shenzhou, where he spent five years training to become a spaceman and was praised for working hard. On 15th , October, 2003, Yang Liwei was sent into space by China’s Shenzhou V spacecraft. During his travel in space, he showed China’s national flag to the people watching TV. We are proud of Yang Liwei and I will look up to him as an example of a man who managed to live his dream. 一、书面表达评分原则: 1.本题总分为15分,按个档次给分 二、说明: 1.文中内容要点可用不同方式表达; 2.对紧扣主题的适当发挥不予扣分3.对书写潦草者’s really a good suit and it’s of good colour. But I’ll just look round. Thank you just the same. Text2 W: Are you going to watch the movie on the TV tonight? M: No , I think I’ll watch the football game and then the cartoon. Text3 M: You ought to write to Helen .She’s been sick in bed and she likes to get letters from her friends. W: All right. I’ve been busy, but I shouldn’t forget her. Text4 M: Mary , could you tell me something about main festivals in your country? W: Ok! We celebrate Easter , Thanksgiving Day, New Year’s Day, our National Day , that is the Independence Day and Christmas , of course. Text 5 W: It’s surprising that Wood came out of the air-crash alive? M: That’s true. The plane crashed into the mountain and was completely destroyed. W: It’s terrible to have such a crash. 第二节 Text 6 W: What do you want to do? M: I want to go to see a movie. W: Really? What kind of movies do you like? M: I like comedies very mu


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