
LeaR 公司制造系=统 汽车零部件 P30.ppt

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LeaR 公司制造系=统 汽车零部件 P30

Why we do LMS Evolution of LMS / Structure 展开需要什么 What is needed for Deployment What is LMS and how it Works Examples of LMS at work 对顾客好处 Advantages to Customers Advantages to Suppliers Advantages to Lear What we have learned One Final result. Systems Approach to Lean Deployment推广/使用 Manufacturing System 2 Foundations 2个基础 4 Pillars 4根柱子 基础、柱子和所有要素都是相辅相成的 Foundations, Pillars all LMS Elements are Interdependent Create Total Lean Behavior that provides results 导向行动/活动oriented activity. 训练 Training 作业者支撑 Operator Support 参与 Employee Involvement 健康、安全/ 人类工程学 Health Safety / Ergonomics Six Sigma Training 4 month intensive certified Black Belt 2 month 被鉴定的certified Green Belt 6 month certified Master Black Belt Lean 熟练者Facilitator Training 3 month training 证明 Certification via “Model Area” In-Plant Training Kaizen events used to teach and apply Events facilitated by Plant Lean Facilitator and or Lean Master 培训档案保存Training records maintained by plants LMS works 来自彻底的作业者第一 from inside out – that is, from the operator first and foremost Our people are involved: 产品投放的三个阶段 In all three stages of product 投放launch 最前面的设计、投产和持续改善 Upfront design, 投入 launch and Continuous Improvement 工作站设计、平面布局 Designing of work stations, layouts and product Ergonomic and Health Safety 关怀 concerns (Virtual Cad) Process and product changes (Design for Manufacturing) Design For Six Sigma (DFSS) Design For Lean (DFL) Common Hardware / Architecture Product design teams understand and employ LMS principles in order to 保证 ensure that our product can be manufactured in an Lean environment. This includes packaging, presentation and flow principles that ensure operator success. 5S / Workplace Organization Visual Management Total Predictive Management (TPM) Standardize Work Quality at the Source (Jidoka) Problem Solving (PDCA) Six Sigma Error Proofing Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) LMS April 2008 Chicago, Illinois WCBF Lean Six


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