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年 月
金属铸锻焊技术 · · 2009 2
Casting Forging Welding
蒲思洪, 温彤, 吴维, 侯模辉
(重庆大学材料科学与工程学院,重庆400044 )
摘 要:在金属冲切断裂的数值模拟中,韧性断裂准则和阀值的选取对模拟结果的精度有非常大的影响。 通
过对 钢棒材和管材试样进行拉伸试验,同时利用 有限元模拟软件对试验过程进行数值模拟,发现即使
20 Deform
对于同一种断裂准则,两种试样得到的韧性断裂阀值也存在一定的偏差。 并分别将六种断裂准则及得到的对应断
裂阀值用于管端弧口冲切过程的模拟,结果表明只有Brozzo 和NormalizedCockcroftLatham 这两种准则能较好
的模拟出管壁的变形和毛刺的生成情况。 通过试验验证了结论的有效性。
关键词: 韧性断裂准则;韧性断裂阀值;拉伸试验
中图分类号: 文献标识码: 文章编号:
TG301 A 1001-3814(2009)03-0018-04
Theoretical and Experimental Research on Choosing Criterion and Critical
Value of Ductile Fracture
PU Sihong , WEN Tong , WU Wei , HOU Mohui
(College of Materials Science Engineering ,Chongqing University , Chongqing 400044 , China)
Abstract : Choosing the critical criterion and critical value of ductile fracture is very important for the numerical
simulation precision of metal cutting ductile fracture. The critical value of 20 steel was achieved according to the
tensile test of column and tube specimens and the simulation results of Deform software. The results show that the
critical values are different each other even if for the same criterion. Then six criterions and critical value of ductile
fracture are used for the simulation of tube arc-punching, but only the criterion of Brozzo and Normalized Cockcroft
Latham can simulate the distortion of tube wall and the appearance of burr. In the end, the rat
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