增强型生物除磷过程中聚磷酸盐积累微生物的研究进展 - 应用生态学报.pdf

增强型生物除磷过程中聚磷酸盐积累微生物的研究进展 - 应用生态学报.pdf

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增强型生物除磷过程中聚磷酸盐积累微生物的研究进展 - 应用生态学报

2004 8 15 8 CHIN ESE JO UR NAL OF A PPL IED ECOLO GY, Aug . 2004 , 15( 8)#1487 ~ 1490 * * * 郑金伟 冉 炜 钟增涛 何 健 ( , 210095) , ( PAO) . , PAO . PAO PAO polyP , . ( GAO) PAO , EBPR . , . PAO , , . 100 1- 9332( 2004) 08- 14 87 - 04 X 172 A Research Advance in polyphosphateaccumulating microorganisms in enhanced biological phosphorus removal process. ZHENG J nw e , RA N W e , ZHON G Zeng tao, HE J an ( D ep ar tment of R esour ces and E nv ir onmental Sc ience, N anj ing A g r ic ult ur al Un iv er sity , N anj ing 210095, Ch ina) Chin J A p p l E col . , 2004, 15( 8) : 1487 ~ 1490 . T h s paper d scussed the funct on of enhanced b olog cal phosphorus removal ( EBP R) n P pollut on contro l, P co nta n ng w astew ater treatment and P r esources reco ver y, and summar zed the metabol c character st cs, research pro gress and methodolog es of polyphosphateaccumulat ng o rgan sms ( PA Os) . Althoug h polyphosphate has been found n many org an sm s, only f ew of PAOs w er e solated , cultured and dent f ed. Culture med um formulat on s the key to solate PAOs and to study t he m cr ob al accumulat on of polyphosphate, and the compet t on of glyco genaccumulat ng organ sm s ( GAOs) w th PAOs for carbon resour ces s one of the reasons of low EBPR eff c en cy. M odern sc ent f c metho ds such as fluorescent in sit u hybr d zat on, confocal laser scann ng m croscope, m croautorad ogr aphy, and in v iv o N M R spectroscopy, prov ded po w erful tools to analyze PAO spec es compos t on , spat


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