我国雷电灾害时空分布特征及预警 - 自然灾害学报.pdf

我国雷电灾害时空分布特征及预警 - 自然灾害学报.pdf

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我国雷电灾害时空分布特征及预警 - 自然灾害学报

19 6 Vo.l 19 No. 6 2010 12 JOURNAL OFNATURAL DISASTERS Dec. 2010 : 1004- 4574(2010) 06- 0153- 07 1, 2 3 4 5 2 5 6 6 6 杨世刚 , 赵桂香, 潘 森, 赵彩萍, 牛永波,胡建军, 王春乙,高兴龙,张伟民 ( 1 , 730000; 2, 030002; 3, 030006; 4, 036400; 5, 030002; 6, 100081) : ( 1997- 2006) 10 , , 30, , OSRFORTRAN VB6. 0 , :; ; : P4579 : A Spatiotemporal distribution characteristics and early warning of lightning disaster in China 1, 2 3 4 5 2 5 YANG Shigang , ZHAO Guixiang , PAN Seng , ZHAO Caiping, NIU Yongbo , HU Jianjun, 6 6 6 WANG Chunyi, GAO Xinglong, ZHANGW ei in ( 1. At osphericScienceCollege of Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China; 2. Lightning Protection andM onitoringCenter of Shanxi Province, T aiyuan 030002, China; 3. ShanxiM eteorology Bureau, Taiyuan 030006, China; 4. Pianguan Meteorology Bureau of ShanxiProvince, Pianguan 036400, China; 5. T aiyuan M eteorology Bureau of ShanxiProvince, T aiyuan 030002, China; 6. ChinaM eteorology Co ittee, Beijing 100081, China) Abstract: Using data fro Co pilation ofLightning Diaster in China( fro 1997 to 2006) co piled by Light ningProtection Co ittee ofM eterologicalSociety in China, distrbution and festures of lighting disaster in China was analyzed. At the sa e ti e, based on the data fro ground eteorological station of ShanxiProvince in recent 30 years and thedata fro auto atic station, lightning pasitioning indicator and Doppler radar, the regional lightning earlywarning syste is established by using OSR ethod and FO


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