特高压交流输电线路中相绕击模拟试验研究 - 电网技术.pdf

特高压交流输电线路中相绕击模拟试验研究 - 电网技术.pdf

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特高压交流输电线路中相绕击模拟试验研究 - 电网技术

32 卷 16 期 电 网 技 术 Vol. 32 No. 16 2008 年8 月 Power System Technology Aug. 2008 文章编号:1000-3673 (2008 )16-0001-04 中图分类号:TM726 文献标识码:A 学科代码:470 4051 特高压交流输电线路中相绕击模拟试验研究 羽,文习山,胡 京,黄瑞平,陈 虎,段玉祥 (武汉大学 电气工程学院,湖北省 武汉市 430072 ) Simulation Test of Shielding Failure of UHVAC Transmission Line s Intermediate Phase WANG Yu,WEN Xi-shan,HU Jing,HUANG Rui-ping,CHEN Hu,DUAN Yu-xiang (School of Electrical Engineering,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072 ,Hubei Province,China ) ABSTRACT: The spacing between the two ground wires of 边相采取负保护角的保护方式,2 条避雷线的距离 ZBS2 cup-tower used in UHVAC transmission line is large, so 较大,因此必须考虑中相导线屏蔽失效的可能性。 it is significant to research the thunder and lightning shielding 中相导线防直击雷的设计方法主要有电力行 properties of the intermediate phase. A lot of impulse discharge 业规程方法、电气几何模型(electro geometrical experiments are conducted by operation wave that can be more model,EGM)方法、先导传播模型(leader propagation close to natural lightning, in these experiments the proportion model,LPM)方法3 种。我国电力行业相关规程认 of the size of experimental model to that of actual ZBS2 tower is 1:63, and the maximum height of the shielding failure of 为绕击与雷电流大小无关,与杆塔结构和地形地貌 [2] intermediate phase is obtained. It is known from the test results 有关 。基于击距概念建立的EGM 基本属于几何 that after the post-conversion critical shielding failure current 模型,但这种模型没有考虑雷电放电的随机性和分 of the intermediate phase is lower than lightning wi


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