白天鹅 霍英东的中国梦(White swan Henry Foks Chinese dream).doc

白天鹅 霍英东的中国梦(White swan Henry Foks Chinese dream).doc

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白天鹅 霍英东的中国梦(White swan Henry Foks Chinese dream) Reform and opening up in the concession More than 150 years ago, is not to come to him. In 1857, the second Opium War, the Anglo French allied forces captured Guangzhou, and soon after, the Qing government signed the Treaty of Tianjin, Guangzhou became a fixed trading port. Responsible for looking for concession area in Guangzhou Harry? Parkes spotted a fork in the road is located in the Pearl River baietan River sand. In order to prevent the Guangzhou mob threat to the safety of foreigners in the concession area, Harry? Parkes presided over the excavation of a small bay 40 meters wide, 120 thousand meters long, and built 6 feet high embankment along the river, this is the name of Shaki River and two artificial river spanning bridge - England bridge and the French bridge. In Shamian concession area, the British share the land of 4/5, France 1/5 share of the land, sandbar Liao (Guangdong people living in poor people by Liao) were all moved out, but there is a special relationship with foreigners comprador, ordinary Chinese not sand half step forward. Shaki cut off Guangzhou and sand, separates the Chinese with the times. Experienced countless rebellions, was recovered, sand in the fire and anger depression for 120 years. In 1977, when Deng Xiaoping returned to China for the third time, China began its epoch-making reform and opening up. Fujian and Guangdong provinces became the first provinces in China to open their doors to the outside world. At the moment, in the British colony of Hongkong, one of the nations rise China dream has been brewing for a long time in the hearts of a Hongkong businessman. The poor capitalists is Henry Fok, a Panyu man heishou. The reform and opening up that year, he has over 60. Henry Fok was a squatter when he was a child, and a family of seven lived in a small boat, making a living by transporting goods between Guangzhou and Hong Kong and macao. The poor boy, with his diligence and intell



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