围堰工程钢板桩施工方案(Construction plan of steel sheet pile for Cofferdam Project).doc

围堰工程钢板桩施工方案(Construction plan of steel sheet pile for Cofferdam Project).doc

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围堰工程钢板桩施工方案(Construction plan of steel sheet pile for Cofferdam Project) Construction plan of steel sheet pile for Cofferdam Project 1. project overview Foshan city north embankment renovation phase 1 project from sanitation pier, down to the Foshan pipe pile factory pier, length 2.679km. The cross section of the project is shown in figure 1: The location of the project geological conditions from the top for artificial soil layer, quaternary alluvial layers, quaternary eluvial and third century weathered bedrock, which all sections were distributed artificial fill, thickness 0.8 ~ 5.8m, divided into plain fill and miscellaneous fill, most of the lots slightly compacted; Fourth period sediment layer is silty soil and fine sand, 1.6 ~ 15.8m thick, gray, dark gray, with local plants or a large number of decayed wood rot. Retaining wall and its pile foundation are built on Quaternary alluvial deposits. 2. cofferdam design scheme 2.1 design scheme and characteristics of the original cofferdam The original design of cofferdam in situ excavation filling, crest elevation 2.5 meters, crest width of 2 meters; the water level is 2.2 meters, 3 feet in elevation weir meters, water depth of 5 to 6 meters; the water back slope water slope is 1:1.5, upstream slope with sand paving foot protection and protection. The measurement line, fill cofferdams near the centre of the river, narrow waterway, water retaining weir height is large, the foundation for the strong permeability of sand, the original design of cofferdam safety. In the drawing research, by the owners, design, supervision and construction of four all decided by steel sheet pile cofferdam. 2.2 steel sheet pile scheme Selection of steel sheet pile According to the location of the project site, considering combination of characteristics, the steel sheet pile construction method, Larson type steel sheet pile of Larson steel sheet pile type of medium width, bending performance is good, the main technical parameters: W=1600cm3


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