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社區鄰里公園植栽群聚性與碳存量之研究 - 以南投縣埔里鎮 藝文中心為例 許慧真 (1) 鄭旭涵 (2) 摘 要 本研究以南投縣埔里鎮藝文中心之社區鄰里公園為樣區,探討研究區域經 「城鎮地貌改造」 計畫營造後之碳存量變化。利用兩期(1995 年、2009 年)國土測繪中心之土地利用圖資,比較不 同時期土地利用變遷及碳存量變化,參照氣候變遷跨國組織(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC) 不同植物群落平均碳存量統計表,估算前後期公園綠地碳存量差異,發現 1995 年與 2009 年總碳存量相較約減少了 174.42 噸;另由現地植栽調查,依據「綠建築解說與評估 手冊」中的「綠化量指標」評估社區鄰里公園之植栽固碳量約為 734(kg/ ㎡) 。空間離散指標 (Spatial Dispersion Index, SDI) 分析基地植栽之空間離散度僅 0.043 ,顯示鄰里公園之植栽配置 具聚集分布。研究結果可為其它社區鄰里公園碳存量與植栽分佈量化評估之依據。 關鍵詞( :社區鄰里公園、碳存量、空間離散指標) Spatial distribution and carbon stocks of vegetation in a Neighborhood Park Hui-Chen Hsu(1) Jero-Hertz Jeng(2) Graduate Student(1) ,Graduate Student (2) Department of Soil and Water Conservation, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan 402, R.O.C. ABSTRACT This study using the neighborhood park located at the Puli Township Community Arts Center, where the project of ”The Urban Transformation Plan” had been carried out, as sample to assess the spatial distribution and carbon stock effectiveness of the vegetation. Coverage of land use (1995 and 2009) derived from Land Use Investigation of Taiwan, satellite imagery and on-site investigation are employed in the study to calculate the quantity of carbon stocks and/or extract the spatial dispersion index (SDI) of the vegetation. To compare the difference of the vegetation layout before and after the (1)國立中興大學水土保持學系碩士班研究生(通訊作者 e-mail :sherry530615@) (2)國立中興大學水土保持學系博士班研究生 21 水土保持學報 43(1) : 21 – 34 (2011) Journal of Soil and Water Conservation , 43 (1) : 21 - 34 (2011) project, the carbon stocks for different plantation which recommended by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (


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