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Dear Mr. Black, My friend and I would like to thank you very much for the enjoyable and interesting evening we spent with you last night. We very much appreciated your hospitality and the very beautiful videos you showed to us, which helped our understanding of your culture. We would welcome the opportunity of reciprocating your kind hospitality when you come to visit us in China in the near future. Again with many thanks. Yours sincerely, Yang Qing Key to exercise 4 March 28, 2006 Dear Mary, The roses you sent me yesterday are right near me on the table. Some of them blossomed this morning. The flowers are so lovely and sweet that they make me feel much better. It was really very thoughtful of you. Thank you ever so much. Faithfully yours, Joyce 2. 1) congratulation card 2) the kind words 3) gratitude 4) Thanks 5) looking forward Oct 10, 2008 Dear Miss Wang, The painting you sent me for birthday is really something special. It is hanging on the wall above the sofa right now. I fell a special sense of gratitude to you, knowing that it will be in my home for many generations to come. Please come over to my home to see how wonderful it looks on the wall of my living room. Thanks for your thoughtfulness. With love, Nancy * * * Thank-you Letters 感谢信 Contents Introduction Process Thank-you Letters Thank-you Cards Introduction 在日常生活和工作中,感谢信应用范围很广。当收到馈赠、邀请、赴宴、照顾、款待、慰问、吊唁、祝贺时,写信道谢乃人之常情。在商务活动中,对雇员的建议,客户的订货,供应商的优质服务,银行、商会或友邻的信息提供等等,均应写信致谢。感谢信能帮助加强联系、增进友谊、树立企业的良好形象。 感谢信应态度诚恳、热情洋溢,不能过于简短,以免使收信人造成敷衍了事、言不由衷的错觉。 感谢信通常包括如下内容:一是对对方的馈赠、帮助、关心和邀请等表示由衷的感谢,二是说明对方的馈赠、帮助、关心和邀请等所起的作用和对自己的意义,三是表示希望日后有机会定当答谢对方,并在结尾再次致谢。 Cultural note: 1) birthday gifts(根据年龄、性别、关系) 2) engagement gifts (浴室毛巾、蜜月旅行的行李用品、枕套、床上用品、首饰、女用内衣、塑料盘垫、厨用毛巾、桌布或餐巾、瓷器塑像、绢花) 3) wedding gifts(一套折叠桌椅、穿衣镜、花瓶、食品加工器、台灯、一套玻璃杯、一套刀具、木制色拉碗、调味品器具、带框的装



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