9 语序的调整2.ppt

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9 语序的调整2

A translation for political commentation 美国网友对韩国设立防空识别区的评论-01米尔网   Unfortunate for the South Koreans to do this.   Maybe it is time for China to bump her defense spending from 2% of GDP to 5-7% GDP. China will respond in one way, and that is to take seriously the need to continue to reform and professionalize her military into a high tech war machine. Except, like everything else she does, on a China scale.  This is a poke in the eye to China as she does not have the resources to back everyone down at once YET (key word here, yet).   Those aircraft carriers that are on the drawing board need to be upped in quantity and to shift the schedule to the left.  China is shifting her economy from low tech labor intensive manufacturing to high tech manufacturing. And many college graduates need work. Maybe its time to give it to them via increased defense spending. As the US has found out, a great way to subsidize technology, is through massive defense spending. Maybe its time for China to do the same thing (or rather, expand the effort).  Many Chinese netizens are angry that their government isnt doing anything about it. Maybe those netizens can turn their anger into burning the midnight oil at their new careers in the defense industry. may i ask you the reason why South Korea is unfortunate? Do you think South Korean government not making any responses to Chinas one-way diplomatic policy as a right decision of one country? lets be sensible. If your neighbor comes into your house and claim that your yard is his with no specific and right reasons. Are you simply going to say, fine, take it, go ahead? It is a better decision at least to claim and state your right and stance despite the fact that there might be backlashes and problems in the future. thats what is called diplomatic conflict. 很不幸韩国这么做了。   也许现在是时候让中国军费从GDP的2%提高到5-7%了。 中国将会用一种方式应对这种情况,那就是中国会更加坚定地继续改革和并保持军队专业化,从而使中国军队变成一个高科技的战争机器。与其他国家不同的是,中国会以“中国的规模”来做这件事。 这么做就如同戳中了中国的眼睛,因为现在中国尚未有足够的资源来逼退所有国家(注意这里的关键字 “尚未” ) 。米尔


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