acute epigastric pain 急性胃脘痛.PPT

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acute epigastric pain 急性胃脘痛.PPT

Surgical?operation Use pulse-activating?injection(生脉注射液)or Shenfu injection(参附注射液) 20-40ml ivgtt Antishock therapy Supporting?treatment Prevention Lifestyle Maintain a peaceful mind and keep a regular lifestyle Avoid thick tea, coffee, cigarette, alcohol, and spicy food See a doctor immediately in the case of severe pain Diagnosis of Common Diseases Associated with Abdominal diseases in Western Medicine Gastric and duodenal ulcer perforation Sudden severe tearing or cutting pain in the upper abdomen can quickly diffuse to all over the abdomen, with nausea and vomiting. There may be tenderness and rigidity rebound tenderness, muscular rigidity making the abdomen like a plank(board-like rigidity). And reduce the liver dullness, shifting dullness and reduced or disappeared bowel sounds The X-ray shows the shadow of subdiaphragmatic free air. Acute Gastroenteritis、gastro?spasm Inducing factors: eat unclean food , Improper diet , have a cold Paroxysmal colic in the upper abdomen, with vomiting or diarrhea. Soft abdomen without fixed tenderness, hyperactive bowel sounds Analgesic or spasmolytic can relieve?pain Acute pancreatitis The common risk factors are the medical history of cholecystitis or cholelithiasis, overeating and high-fat diet. The sudden severe pain in the upper abdomen can radiate to back, with abdominal distention, nausea, vomiting, fever and jaundice. In severe cases, there may be peritonitis, tachycardia and hypotension, and even shock. Grey Tuner’s sign or Cullen’s sign. Serum and urine enzymes are the most important way to diagnosis. Ultrasound, CT and MRI indicate the extent of the lesion, as the criteria of severity classification and prognosis of the disease. Acute appendicitis The pain is typically started from the middle upper abdomen or umbilical region. Then transfers to the right lower abdomen after 6~8 hours, with nausea, vomiting, and even poisoning symptom in severe cases. Tenderness at Macburney’s point is an important sign of t


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