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1996 5 2        Ch in J L aserM ed Su rg 5( 2) ∶63~ 66 ( 1996)  ·论著· B超引导经皮介入光动力治疗 中晚期肝癌 30例 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 曾超英 杨 栋 陈 骥 吕国荣 黄 萍 张惠娟 黄木印 Ult rasound Gu ided Pe rcutaneous PDT fo r Advanced —— 30 L ive r Cance r A Repo rt of Cases Zeng Chaoying, Y ang Dong, H uang P ing, Zhang Huijuan, Huang M uyin Cancer R esearch C en ter, X iam en U n iv ers iyt , X iam en (361005) Chen ji, Lǜ Guorong S econd Af f ilia ted H osp ita l of F uj ian M ed ica l Co lleg e, Quanz hou    , , 1994 6, (PD )30, 28、2。 7~ 10 cm 13、 10 cm 16 cm 17。 5、 5、 4。 19、 11。, 630 nm 。 (HpD )。 B , 。 , 、, 。 14, 5 ; 9 22%。 16、, 62%。 8 1。      B AB STRACT 30 patientsw ith advanced liver cancer w ere treated by interstit ial pho todynam ic therapy PD( ). hese included 28 hepatocellu lar carcinom a and tw o adenocarcinom a, 19 p rmi ary tum ors and 11 recurred follow ing oth er treatm ents. he diam eter of tum ors w ere 7— 10 cm in 13 cases and 10— 16 cm in 17 cases. In th is study an argon laser pum ped dye laser sy stem w as u sed to give a CW laser beam at, 630 nm w h ich w as sp lit and coup led into three optical fibers. he patients received injection of photosensitizer of hem atopo rphyrin derivative (HpD) i. v. at a dose of 5 m g /kg body w eight 48 h prior to laser irradiation. hen the fibersw ere in serted into tum or by u ltrason ic v isualizat ion gu ided percu taneou s liver punctu re. he in serted irrad iation pointsw ere spaced in entire tum or vo lum e and the tum o rw as irradiatedw ith a light ou tput pow er o f 300mW for 12 m inu ts per


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