Information for breastfeeding families 给母乳喂养家庭的信息 .PDF

Information for breastfeeding families 给母乳喂养家庭的信息 .PDF

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Information for breastfeeding families 给母乳喂养家庭的信息 .PDF

Information for breastfeeding families 给母乳喂养家庭的信息 Increasing breast milk supply 如何更多地产奶 Frequent stimulation of the breasts, by breastfeeding or by using a breast pump, during the first few days and weeks, are essential to establish an abundant breast milk supply. If you find your milk supply is low, try the following recommendations. If you are consistent you will likely see an improvement within a few days. Although it may take a month or more to bring your supply up to meet your baby’s needs, you will see steady, gradual improvement. You will be glad that you put the time and effort into breastfeeding, and so will your baby!! 为了保证产生足够的乳汁在产后的前几天至几周通过哺乳或吸奶勤刺激乳房很重 要。如果你产的奶少,请遵循以下建议。坚持几天之后状况就很可能有明显改善。 为了增加你的奶量来满足宝宝的需求可能需要约一个月的时间,但是在这个过程 中,你会看到稳定的、逐渐的改善。你会高兴将时间和精力投入在母乳喂养上, 宝宝也同样会开心! More breast stimulation 更多的乳房刺激 Breastfeed more often, at least 8-12 times per 24 hours 更加频繁的哺乳,每24 小时至少8 至12 次 Discontinue the use of a pacifier 停止使用安抚奶嘴 Try to get in “one more feeding” before you go to sleep, even if you have to wake the baby 即使需要唤醒宝宝,还是试着在你睡觉前再喂一次奶 Offer both breasts at each feeding 每次哺乳都让宝宝吮吸两侧乳房 “Burp Switch”, using each breast twice or three times, and using different positions “打嗝与交换乳房”,每次哺乳时使用两侧乳房各用二到三次,并且使用不同的 喂奶姿势 “Top up feeds”: Give a short feeding in 10-20 minutes if baby seems hungry “补充哺乳”:如果喂奶后宝宝还没有吃饱,10-20 分钟后可以进行一次较短 的哺乳 Empty your breasts well by massaging while the baby is feeding 当宝宝吃奶时按摩乳房保证乳房排空 Assure the baby is completely emptying your breasts at each feeding 确保每次哺乳宝宝完全吸空乳房 Avoid these things that are known to reduce breast milk supply 尽量避免以下情况因为可能会减少乳量 Smoking 吸烟 Caffeine 喝含有咖啡因的饮食 Birth control pills and injections 避孕药和注射剂 Decongestants, antihistamines 减充血剂、抗组胺剂 Severe weight loss diets 过度减肥 Mints, parsley, sage (excessive amounts) 薄荷、香菜、鼠尾草(过量) Use a breast pump 使用吸奶器 Use a hospital grade breast pump with a double kit 使用医疗级双侧电动吸奶器 Pump after feedings or between feedings 在哺乳后或两次哺乳中间吸奶


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