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亚热带常绿阔叶林结构对气候变化及其区域水文效应的趋势性响应 周 国 逸 中国科学院华南植物园 2013年6月9-15日 一、气候变化及区域水文效应 气温及降水格局变化 中国亚热带区域 鼎湖山地区 土壤水分与产水量 中国亚热带区域 鼎湖山地区 二、亚热带常绿阔叶林成熟林 结构的趋势性变化 Figure 1 The relationship between the average DBH growth rate and DBH or the age of individuals (季风常绿阔叶林) (一) 季风常绿阔叶林 Figure 2 Age composition and temporal trends of different age groups. (a) Age composition and (b) temporal trends of different age groups Figure 3 Changes in community parameters for individuals in the four DBH classes: (a) biomass; (b) number of individuals; (c) recruitment (above zero line) and mortality (below zero line) rates; (d) diameter growth rate. In (d), the slopes of the lines are 0.043, 0.041, -0.074, and -0.10 mm yr-2 for 1≤ DBH ≤ 5 cm, 5 DBH ≤ 10 cm, 10 DBH ≤ 20 cm, and DBH 20 cm, respectively. ↓, significant decrease; ↑, significant increase Figure 4 Trends in mean DBH (D) for individuals in the four DBH classes and for the community as a whole: (a) simple arithmetic average; (b) DBH square-weighted average Figure 5 Changes in community parameters for the four functional groups: (a) biomass; (b) number of individuals; (c) recruitment (above zero line) and mortality (below zero line) rates; (d) diameter growth rate. ↓, significant decrease; ↑, significant increase. S, shrub; ST, short tree; IT, intermediate tree; TT, tall tree Fig. 7 Changes in the number of living, recruited, and disappeared species from 1978 to 2010 Fig. 7 Changes in the number of living, recruited, and disappeared species from 1978 to 2010 Fig. 7 Changes in the number of living, recruited, and disappeared species from 1978 to 2010 Fig. 7 Changes in the number of living, recruited, and disappeared species from 1978 to 2010 Fig. 7 Changes in the number of living, recruited, and disappeared species from 1978 to 2010 Fig. 7 Changes in the number of living, recruited, and disappeared species from 1978 to 2010 Fig. 7 Changes in the number of living, recruited, and disappeared species from 1978 to 20



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