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2 7 4 Vol. 2 7 No. 4 2 006 7 A CT A PETROLEI SINICA July 20 06 :( 2 00 6) 040 05904 2 张 洪 姜振学 庞雄奇 ( 102249) : 选取库车坳陷克拉2 气田作为研究对象, 利用物理模拟实验模拟了克拉2 气田成藏模式对其超压 性的研究结果表明, 构 造挤压和充气增压是引起克拉2 气田超压的主要原因; 充气增压的具体机制是多级补给, 也就是下部的冲起构造为上部的克拉2 构造供气, 使其丰度和压力都升高 : 库车坳陷; 克拉2 气田; 超压; 构造挤压; 充气增压; 物理模拟实验 : T E1 123 1 : A Physical modeling experiment on overpressure genesis of Kela 2 Gas Field in Kuche Depression Zhang Hong Jiang Zhenxue Pang Xiongqi (B asin and R eser v oir R esear ch Center , Ch ina Un iv ers ity of P etro leum, B e ij i ng 102 249, Ch ina) Abstract: The overpressure feat ures of Kala 2 Gas Field in Ku he Depression w ere analyzed. The reservoirforming mode of this field was simulat ed by physi al modeling experiment. The result shows that t he stru tural extrusion and gasfilling in reasing pressure are the main reasons resulting in the overpressures of Kala 2 Gas Field. T he gasfilling in reasing pressure is resulted from the multilevel gas supply , w hi h in reases gas abundan e and pressure of Kala 2 Gas Field. Key words: Ku he Depression; Kela 2 Gas Field; overpressure; stru tural ext rusion; gasfilling in reasing pressure; physi al modeling experiment [ 45] , , 410 km, 2 0~ 60 km , ( ) , 2 160 00 km , , [ 1] , 2 63% ~ 73% , 37% , , ~ 27% [ 67] , , 2 , 1 20, , 3 11 ,


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