A brief Note on Retro Planets UNIVERSAL (复古的行星通用短暂的注意).pdf

A brief Note on Retro Planets UNIVERSAL (复古的行星通用短暂的注意).pdf

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A brief Note on Retro Planets UNIVERSAL (复古的行星通用短暂的注意)

Om Sree Gurubhyo Namha Om Sri Ganesayanamaha A brief Note on Retro Planets - by Prof.C.S.Rao Prof.C.S.Rao, SMS:+919440348175 M.A.,(Astrology)M.B.A.,LL.B., email :csr162002@ Astro Counselor www.birthastro.in http://astrology.raftaar.in/Astro/Online-Astrologer Chairman - Universal College of Astrology, Hyderabad-A.P President- Universal Research Institute of Astro Occult Sciences, Hyderabad-A.P President - Universal Astrological Book Trust, Hyderabad-A.P ***************************************************************** A brief Note on Retro Planets {Contents :Introduction- Retrograde frequency of Planets- Retro Planet as Karmic indicator- Influence of Retro Planet on Nerve centers - chakras- in human body- Astrological mode of Study of Retro Planets- Analyzing Birth charts with and without retro planets - Effects of Retro Planets in birth charts- Effects of retro planets from different ascendants- Suggestions to be given to natives- Example of birth charts with retro planets - References in brief. } INTRODUCTION: Horoscopes are drawn and analyzed on the basis of astronomical speed of planets. Some horoscopes indicate “Retro Planet” if the planet is going back. In real cosmic setup no planet moves “backward” or even “slow down” in its orbit. So retrogression is termed as an “apparent” phenomenon. Retrograde-station-direct cycles are essentially illusions from Earth’s point of view. This is because the Earth is also orbiting around Sun with a different speed. Men on Earth do not feel the speed of



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