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W C J # P S 2008, 23( 3): 342~ 343 RP- HPLC * , , , , ( , 510182) : RP- HPLC, 2, 3, 4, 6- - B- D - , pH - 1 ZORBAX - C ( 150 mm @ 4. 6 mm, 5Lm ), - 0. 05 m o#l L ( 40z 60, pH 6. 0) 8 - 1 254 nm 1. 5 m#l m in 35e , , 1. 93, R ( + ) - , : ( GITC); ; ; : R917 : A : 1006- 0103( 2008) 03- 0342- 02 RP- HPLC separation of Baclofen enantiom er by pre- column derivatization * ZHANG Ch n- yan, YUAN M , HUANG Bi- y n, JIHong, ZHU L i (D rug R esearch C enter, Guangzhou M ed ical Colleg e, Guangzhou 510182, Ch ina) Abstract: OBJECT VE To estab lish a new RP - H PLC spectrom etric m ethod for enan tioseparation of baclofen, the first selective GABAB receptor agonist in clin ica.l M ETHODS The separation of baclofen enantiom erw as st d ied sing 2, 3, 4, 6- tetra- O - ace- tyl- (B - D- glycosy1) - isoth iocyanate ( GIT C) as the pre- col m n derivatizing reagent. The effects of the derivatizing tmi e, the a- m o nt of G ITC, the com pos ition and pH of them obile phase on the enantioseparationw ere investigated. RESULT S A baseline separa- tion of the baclofen enantiom ersw as ach ievedw ith in 20 m in on a C col mn ( 150 mm @ 4. 6 mm , 5Lm ) w ith a b inary solvent m ixt re 8 ofm ethanol and 0. 05 m o#l L- 1 potassi m dihydrogen phosphate ( 40 z 60, pH 6. 0) as the optmi ized m obile phasew ith a flow rate of 11 5 - 1 m#l m in . TheUV detectorw as set at 254 nm and the thermostat tem perat rew as set at 35e . CONCLU S ON The proposed method is feasib le, rap id, reliable and can be sed for enantioseparation of bacl


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