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关闭 好友动态 pansy 草? 441335821@ 保存 往来邮件? 正在加载... 窗体底端 上一封?下一封 标记为... 移动到... 袁晓燕的毕业论文 发件人:pansy 草?441335821@ 查看 添加 时???间:2010年8月31日(星期二) 下午4:54 纯文本 | 收件人:? xshs789?xshs789@139.com 大???小:117K 打印?|?显示邮件原文?|?导出为eml文件?|?邮件有乱码??|?转发到群邮件?|?保存到记事本?|?作为附件转发 备 注: 编辑删除 取消 标记:已将此邮件标记为星标邮件。?取消星标 ? Yuan Xiaoyan Ningxia Teacher’s University ? ? ? Abstract: English onomatopoeia is not only the most primitive and basic form of language, but also the most vivid and imaginative rhetorical means. Onomatopoeic words are widely used both in oral and written English, so it’s necessary to explore and study its rhetorical function. There is plenty of onomatopoeia in our world’s languages, so is the case with English. Onomatopoeia is not only a word-building, but also an important rhetorical method. It is composted through imitating the voice of natural world, with good rhetorical function, which makes our language more intuitive, vivid and lifelike. Besides, onomatopoeia can simulate the sound of human beings, and simulate a large number of the outside world’s sounds, which enhances the appeal of language to large extent. This paper will focus on the rhetorical function of the onomatopoeia and mainly discus its function in English language, and point that English onomatopoeia can be created according to our actual needs. Key words: Onomatopoeia; primary onomatopoeia; secondary onomatopoeia; rhetorical function ? ? 0. Introduction Many linguistics regard onomatopoeia as the origin of human language, they consist that language is a sort of complete imitating to the voice in natural world. English onomatopoeia comes from the Greek onomatopoeia, the name itself means that the coinage (making new words). Onomatopoeia is not only a very primitive method for human beings name after things, but also the oldest rhetorical means. Using onomatopoeia properly can achieve the effect of transferring feeling by voice, both emotionally and professionally, thus, to the audience o



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