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# 198# 安 徽 医 药 A nhu iM ed ical and Pharm aceutical Journal 2008 M ar; 12( 3) 黄蜀葵花的研究进展 1 1, 2 2 , , ( 1. 安徽医科大学药学院, 安徽 合肥 230032; 2. 安徽医科大学第一附属医院药剂科, 安徽 合肥 230022) : A belm oschus m anihot (L. )M ed ic. , , , : ; Advances in studies on flower ofA belmoschus m an ihot(L. )M ed ic. 1 1, 2 2 GAO Lei, ZHANG P ing , CH ENG G ang ( 1. School of P harm acy, A nhu iM ed ical University, H ef ei 230032, China; 2. Pharmacy D e artm en,t The F irstAff iliated H os ital of A nhu iM ed ical University, H ef ei 230022, China) Abstract: Flos Abelm os hus m anihot has a long h istory of app li ation. Re en t studies show that flavonoids ofA belm oschus m anihot(L. ) M ed ic. have a w ide range of pharm a ologi al a tivity. This arti le is a review m ain ly on hem i al om pos ition, extra tingm ethod, assay ing and pharm a ologi a tion ofA belmoschus manihot(L. )M edic, and it raises resear h and developm ent dire tion. K ey words:A belmoschus m anihot(L. )M ed ic. ; study advan e 56, , , 4 56: , , -3c-O-B-, [ 2] , , , , , , [ 3] ,


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