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1999 8 10 4 CHINESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY, Aug . 1999, 10( 4)∀430~ 432 . * * * 徐星凯 张素君 ( , 110015) 王子健 ( , 100085) ! . , , , ; , . , ; . . ; , . Rhizospheric effect of organic material on heavy metals in coastal saline soil . Distribution of soil native ferric forms. Xu Xingkai, Zhang Sujun ( Institute of Ap p lied Ecology , A cademia Sinica, Shenyang 110015) and Wang Zijian ( Research Center f or Eco - env ironmental Sciences, A cademia Sinica, Beij ing 110085) .Chin . J . Ap p l . Ecol . , 1999, 10(4 : 430~ 432. This a er studied the distribution of native ferric forms in coastal saline addy soils w ith different salt contents under drainage condition and after a lying decom osed organic material. The results showed t hat waterlogging was benefi cial to t he increase of amor hous iron oxide (AFeO) , com lexed Fe ( ComFe) , DTPAextracted Fe and activity co efficient of iron oxide (ACIO) in saline soils tested w hileas crystalline iron oxide ( CFeO) almost had no change, sug gesting the transformation of soil other unknown ferric forms to CFeO, and t hat ComFe and DTPAextracted Fe in low saline soil increased more significantly than those in high saline soil. Planting rice w ithout the a lication of organ ic material was beneficial to t he enrichment of ComFe and DTPAextracted Fe and the de letion of AFeO and CFeO in rhizos heric soil, and the lightly low er ACIO than t hat in nonrhizos heric soil. Organic material im roved the transformat ion of native ferric forms to ComFe and AFeO in rice rhizos heric and nonrhizos heric soils, articularly in rhizos heric soil wit h low salt content , and significantly increased DTPAextracted Fe and ACIO in t


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