前列腺及其毗邻结构的三维可视化 周义军1 吴龙1胡婉明1 张珂1 .doc

前列腺及其毗邻结构的三维可视化 周义军1 吴龙1胡婉明1 张珂1 .doc

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前列腺及其毗邻结构的三维可视化 周义军1 吴龙1胡婉明1 张珂1

前列腺及其毗邻结构的三维可视化 周义军1 吴龙1胡婉明1 张珂1 王丽华1 刘利1 吴毅2李七渝2谭立文2 (1湖南长沙医学院 410219 :2第三军医大学基础医学部解剖学教研室,重庆市数字医学研究所 400038) 摘要 目的:建立正常人前列腺及其毗邻组织结构的三维可视化数字模型。为解剖教学,临床诊断和男性盆腔手术提供动态3D形态学资料、Chinese visible human CVH1)盆腔连续断面图像分割出前列腺及其毗邻组织的轮廓数据,并进行计算机三维重建和可视化显示。结果:重建出了前列腺及其毗邻结构的三维可视化模型,该模型可以从任意角度、任意方位进行观察。结论:前列腺及其毗邻结构的可视化模型可清晰显示前列腺及其毗邻结构的形态、分布特点和三维空间解剖关系,为教学和临床研究提供三维数字化工具,为CT、MRICVH Visualizable study of prostate and the adjacent structure based on the Chinese Visible Human Zhou Yi-jun1,WU long1,Hu Wan-ming1,Zhang Ke1,Wang Li-hua1,Liu L1,Wu Yi2,Li Qi-yu2,Tan Li-wen2 1 Changsha Medical College,Hunan Changsha 410219 China 2 Department of Anatomy, The Third Military MedicalUniversity, Chongqing 400038 China Abstract Objective:To set up the three-dimensional digital visualizable model of normal prostate and its adjacent structure, providing dynamic 3D specimens for anatomy teaching ,clinical diagnosis and the male pelvic surgery.Methods:Adopt the digitized visible human dataset 1(Chinese visible human CVH1) set up by Anatomy Department of The Third Military Medical University, Outline data of prostate and adjacent structure was obtained by continuing image segmentation of pelvis and The computer three-dimensional reconstruction and stereoscopic display of prostate and adjacent organizations were carried out.Results:The visualizable model can clearly display the morphology, distributional characteristics and inter-relationship of prostate and adjacent structure.Conclusions: Visualizale model of prostate can accurately reflect the complex anatomical features and its spatial characteristics of the adjacent structure in this region ,supplying the digital tools for teaching and clinical research and providing the morphological evidence for CT, MRI imaging of the prostate study . Key words:Prostate ; Visible human ; Three-dimensional reconstruction;CVH 目前,前列腺疾病,特别是前列腺增生和前列腺癌,是老年男性最常见的疾病之一,前列腺正在引起越来越多的关注。前列腺术式也越来越多,而在手术中缝扎前列腺血管时缺乏三维解剖学资料,故仅阻断了部分血管,甚


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