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( ) 中国病理生理杂志  Chinese Journal of Pathophysiology  2004 ,20 9 :1729 - 1733 ·1729 · ( ) [文章号]  1000 - 4718 2004 09 - 1729 - 05 肌肉蛋白降解与蛋白酶复合体 谭银玲 (第三军医大学微生物教研室 ,重庆 400038) The relation of muscle protein degradation and 26S proteasome TAN Yin - ling ( Dep artment of Microbiology , Third Military Medical University , Chongqing 400038 , China)   【A Revie w】 The ubiquitin - dependent 20s/ 26s proteasome system is the capital pathway of exo - lyso some proteolysis within eukaryotic cell . Under conditions of denervation , starvation , glucocorticoid , infection , tumor , burn and so on , the proteasome system was stimulated to degrade protein , which results in muscle lose α β fast . Glucocorticoid , insulin , thyroid hormone ,TNF and IL - 1 play important roles in the regulation of mus cle protein degradation and the proteasome system. Inhibition or activation of the proteasome system was ap proved to be a novel means of treatment with cachexia and negative nitrogen balance .   [ 关键词]  肌 ,骨骼 ; 泛素 ; 蛋白酶复合体 ; 细胞因子类 [ KEY WORDS]  Muscle , skeletal ; Ubiquitin ; Proteasome ; Cytokines    [ 中图分类号]  R363      [文献标识码]  A      骨骼肌拥有 占机体绝对量的蛋 白质 ,该组织中 1  代谢状况下泛素 - 26s 蛋白酶复合体系统的激活 蛋白质代谢状况直接影响到全身氨基酸及蛋白质代   早期对于去神经萎缩 、饥饿或糖皮质激素作用 ( ) 下肌肉蛋白的快速丢失的研究表明 ,细胞蛋 白的丢 谢 。大量的实验证据表明 ,泛素 ubiquitin - 20 s/ 26 ( ) 失绝大部分归因于蛋白质降解作用的加强 ,尤其是 s 蛋白酶复合体 20 s/ 26 s proteasome 系统在骨骼肌 蛋白质的降解中起了主要的作用 ,该系统为真核细


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