关键种理论与福建南亚热带极度退化生态系统重建构想 - Core.PDF

关键种理论与福建南亚热带极度退化生态系统重建构想 - Core.PDF

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关键种理论与福建南亚热带极度退化生态系统重建构想 - Core

29 2 V l. 29 N . 2 2 0 0 2 6 J ur f Fujian F restry Sci and T ech Jun, 2 0 0 2 朱小龙, 裘 丽, 李振基 ( 厦门大学生命科学学院, 福建厦门36 1005) : , , , , , , , , , , : ; ; : S7815 : A : 1002- 735 1( 2002) 02- 0004- 05 TheKey Species Theory and theReconstruction Conception of Extremely Degraded Ecosystem in the Southern Subtropical Zone of Fujian ZH Xiaolong,QI li,LI Zhenji ( The Lif e Science College of Xiamen University , Xiamen 361005, China) Abstract:Beginning with the Key Species The ry, c mbined w ith the fact f s uthern subtr pical z ne envir nment and plant re s urce in Fujian Pr vince and taking realizing the suitable climax as bjective, t his paper appr ached the m de f rapidly c nstruct ing the extremely degraded ec system in the s uthern substr pical z ne f Fujian Pr vince. Meanwhile, s me critical pr blems f us ing the Key Species The ry t guide t he rec nstructi n f extremely degraded ec system in the s ut hern subtr pical z ne f Fujian Pr vince and the significance f devel ping ec l gy rec nstruct i n practice f the ab ved ec system n the the ry itself were ap pr ached. Key words:key species; ec l gical rec nstruct i n; s uthern subtr pical z ne f Fujian , , , , , , 1 , , , , , , , , , , [7] , , , , ! , , , ; , : 2001- 12- 21 : ( 1977- ) , , , , 2 , : ∋ 5 ∋ , , , 3 : ∀ , , ; # , ; ∃ , , , , , , , 2 21 80 , , ; , , , , [ 18] , , , , , , , 22


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