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兰州大学学报: 自然科学版, 2016, 52(2) / 4 月 Journal of Lanzhou University :Natural Sciences,2016 ,52(2) / April 乔戈里峰北坡冰川跃动遥感监测 许艾文, 杨太保, 冀 琴, 何 毅 兰州大学 资源环境学院, 兰州 730000 摘 要:以Landsat 影像、冰川编目数据以及DEM 数据为依据, 通过遥感图像计算机辅助分类和目视 解译等方法进行了不同时期乔戈里峰北坡冰川边界的提取, 对比分析了1978-2014 年不同时期冰川 末端变化, 发现研究区内有12条冰川出现过快速前进现象. 重点监测这12条冰川在1978-2014 年18个 时段的运动状况后, 发现12条冰川都出现过前进速度为200~3 000 m/a 的快速运动过程, 且大部分快 速前进现象集中发生在2004 年以后, 这12条冰川可能为跃动冰川. 研究区内冰川内部结构不稳定、 长度长、面积大、末端海拔低的几何形态特征以及先降后升的气温与持续增加的降水是导致研究区 内冰川发生跃动的可能原因. 关键词:冰川跃动; 遥感监测; 气候变化; 乔戈里峰北坡 中图分类号:P467; P343.6 文献标识码:A 文章编号: 0455-2059(2016)02-0145-08 DOI: 10.13885/j.issn.0455-2059.2016.02.001 Monitoring recent surging on the northern slope glaciers of Qogir through remote sensing Xu Ai-wen, Yang Tai-bao, Ji Qin, He Yi College of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China Abstract: Based on Landsat images, the glacier inventory and digital elevation model, glacier boundaries in dif- ferent periods of Qogir on the northern slope were extracted through computer-aided classification and visual interpretation methods. Comparative analyses for the glacier extent were made for the annual velocity of the glaciers from 1978 to 2014. It was found that 12 glaciers had undergone rapid progress, most of which occurred after 2004. The velocities of the glaciers were 200-3 000 m/a, and the 12 glaciers might be surging glaciers. Glacier change analysis showed that the unstable internal structure of the glaciers, i.e. being of long length, large area, low terminal altitude and multivariate temperature, and the increasing precipitation were the main causes for glacier surging on the northern slope of Qogir. Key words: glacier surging; remote sensing monitoring; climate change; northern slope glaciers


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