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第 30 卷 第 5 期 采矿与安全工程学报 Vol.30 No.5 2013 年 09 月 Journal of Mining Safety Engineering Sept. 2013 文章编号:1673-3363-(2013)05-0706-061 深井煤巷滑移型底鼓岩体运移机理及控制对策 1 2 1 刘少伟 ,张伟光 ,冯友良 (1 .河南理工大学能源科学与工程学院,河南 焦作 454000 ;2 .新疆工程学院采矿工程系,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830091) 摘要 随着我国浅部煤炭资源的逐渐枯竭,煤矿开采深度逐渐加大,巷道底鼓现象愈趋严重。论 文针对滑移型底鼓问题,利用塑性力学理论,对巷道底板滑移岩体进行了分区,推导得出了滑移 型底鼓底板岩层临界破坏深度及底板最小支护荷载公式。以锚杆作用机理为依据,分析了滑移区 域内微小单元体的受力特征,提出了滑移型底鼓阻滑控制措施,将成果应用于实践,为现场提供 了参考。 关键词 深井巷道;滑移型底鼓;朗肯土压力;临界载荷;滑移阻断 中图分类号 TD 325 文献标志码 A Study on migration mechanism of slipping floor heave rock mass in deep roadway and its control countermeasure 1 2 1 LIU Shao-wei ,ZHANG Wei-guang ,FENG You-liang (1 .School of Energy Science and Engineering,Henan Polytechnic University ,Jiaozuo ,Henan 454000 ,China ; 2 .Mining Department ,Xinjiang Institute of Engineering ,Urumqi ,Xinjiang 830091 ,China) Abstract Along with the depletion of superficial coal in China, the mining depth is increasing, and the problem of floor heave gets more and more serious. Probing into the problem of slipping floor heave, with the plastic mechanics theory, slipping floor mass is divided into several areas and the calculation formulas of floor breaking depth and critical load is obtained. The stressed characteristic of unit body in the slipping area is analyzed according to the mechanism of bolt action, and the control measure of slipping floor heave is proposed. When applied to practice, the research results can have reference value to field production. Key words deep mining roadway; slip


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