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2 1 5 Vol. 21, N o. 5 2001 10 Bulletin of So il and Water Conservation Oct . , 2001 王卫卫, 胡正海 ( , 710069 : 20 55 15 Allen , 94 . 8% , , , 24. 6% , 1mol/ ( gh , 4 5. 9% , : ; ; ; : A : 1000 288X( 2001 05 00 30 04 : S 154 . 38 1 Resource of Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation of Legumes in Alashan Desert WA N G We-i w ei, HU Zheng- hai ( I nstitute of L if e Science , N orthwes t Univ er sity , X i an 7 10069, Shaanx i P rov ince, PR C) Abstract: T he nodulat ion and nitrogen f ix at ion of major cult ivat ed and w ild legumes dispersed over 20 genera. T here w ere 55 species be studied in Alashan desert region. A mong them, 15 species have not been report ed yet in A llens T he L eguminoaes. T he result s show ed t hat 94. 8% legum inous plant s can nodulat e in natural environ- ment . T he shapes of nodules of these plants w ere circular, ellipse or cudgel, and most of t hem w ere w hit e, yellow and brow n in color . T here w ere 77 sam ples of nodules be det ected w ith t he method of acetylene reduction. T here w ere 24. 6% of t hese nodules sam ples be inef fective for nit rogen f ix at ion . A ct ivit ies of nit rogen f ixat ion in nodules v aried litt le, all of them w ere low , and 4 5. 9% of t hem be under 1mol/ g h C2 H4 . T he cause of low actions in A lashan desert region w ere discussed. Keywords: legume; root nodule; symbiotic nitrogen fixation; Alashan desert [ 1] , , 8 ml , 1 150


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