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名词从句与定语从句 的主要区别;成分上的区别: 名词性从句和定语从句分别在句中充当什么 样的成分?;5. I visited the country which/that had been bombed by the US-led NATO (美国为首的北约) a month before. 6. I shall never forget the years when I lived in the countryside with the farmers, which? has a great effect on my life. 7. In the office I never seem to have time until after 5:30 pm., by which time many people have gone home. 8. I had never seen such a good film as I watched last night. ;结论: 名词性从句充当句子的主要成分 (作主语,宾语,表语,同位语),且无先行词,同位语除外。 定语从句充当句子的修饰成分 (作定语),前面有先行词;同位语从句和定语从句的区别: that作为关系代词, 可以引导定语从句, 充当句子的主语或宾语成分, 在从句中作宾语时可以省略; that引导同位语从句时, 起连词的作用, 没有实际意义,不充当句子成分, 一般不能省略。 试比较下面两个例句: The suggestion (that) he raised at the meeting is very good. (that引导定语从句, 作宾语, 可以省略) The suggestion that the students (should) have plenty of exercise is very good.(that引导同位语从句) I had no idea that you were here.(that引导同位语从句, 不能省略) Have you got the idea (that) this book gives you of life in ancient Greece? (that引导定语从句, 作宾语, 可以省略) ;引导词的不同: 不会出现在名词从句中的关系词: 不会出现在定语从句中的关系词:;名词从句与定语从句的一些对应系: 1. He has done what he can to help me. --He has done ____ ____ he can to help me. What I want to say has nothing to do with it. --____ ____ I want to say has nothing to do with it. ;名词从句与定语从句的一些对应系: 1. He has done what he can to help me. --He has done ____ ____ he can to help me. What I want to say has nothing to do with it. --____ ____ I want to say has nothing to do with it. ;3. Whoever breaks the law is to be punished. ______ ______ breaks the law is to be punished. 4. He will give the dictionary to whoever needs if most. He will give the dictionary to ______ ____ needs it most. 5. We’ll remember whomever we turned to for help. We’ll remember ______ ________ we turned to for help.;6. They will do whatever he wants them to do. They will do ______ ______he wants them to do. 7. I’ll read whichever book you give me. I’ll read ____ of the? books


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