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# 线路/路基# 道岔用复合定位套优化改进 邹小魁, 沈艳杰 ( , 066205) : 针对既有的复合定位套在列车荷载作用下发生疲劳破损的情 , 优化其结构, 同时运用有限元法和轨道动 力学理论建立复合定位套计算模型, 考虑了摩擦系数岔枕螺栓扭矩的影响因素, 对模型的应力进行计算结果表 明: 优化后的复合定位套可满足列车实际运行需求, 而摩擦系数与岔枕螺栓扭矩对复合定位套的应力影响很小 : 道岔; 复合定位套; 优化 : U21316 : A : 1004 22954( 2012) 0 120023 203 Optimization and Improvement of Composite Locating Sleeve Used for Turnouts Zou Xiaokui, Sh n Yanji ( China Railway Shanhaiguan Bridg Group Co. , Ltd, Qinhuangdao 066205) Abstract: Aiming at th fatigu failur of th xisting composit locating sl v und r trains loads, in this pap r, its structur s ar optimiz d and th calculation mod ls of composit locating sl v ar stablish d bas d on th th ory of FEM( finit l m nt m thod) and track dynamics. In th calculation mod l, th friction co ffici nt and th twisting mom nt of bolts in turnout sl p rs ar tak n into account. Th finit l m nt m thod is us d to study th str ss of th composit locating sl v . Th r sults indicat that th composit locating sl v optimiz d can m t th r quir m nts of actual motion of trains, whil th friction co ffici nt and twisting mom nt of bolts in turnout sl p rs has littl ff cts on th str ss of th composit locating sl v . Key words: turnout; composit locating sl v ; optimization , 2 1 GLC / 0 , ; , , , 1; , , : 2011 207 206 , 250 kN : ( 1


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