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A组煤底板灰岩赋水性电阻率法探测评价试验研究 朱国维1 王怀秀2 王起宏3 张腾1 万雪林1 童婷婷1 陶萍1 (1.中国矿业大学(北京)煤炭资源与安全开采国家重点实验室,北京,100083;2.北京建筑工程学院电气与信息工程学院 232001) 摘要: 为了得出煤层底板灰岩赋水性电阻率评定分级指标,采用试样测试与现场试验相结合的手段,先对谢一矿42采区A组煤底板主要含水C3 3灰岩层中岩石与水在实验室测定了不同含水饱和度灰岩的电阻率分布,后在-660m放水巷进行了高密度电法勘探与钻孔观测对比试验。结果表明:灰岩中水的电阻率小于30Ω·m,干燥灰岩电阻率较高,灰岩含水后电阻率急剧下降,不同含水饱和度灰岩的电性差异明显;在高密度电法探测圈定的含水区和富水区布置钻孔,其钻孔探放水测试水文参数验证了物探结果的有效性,有效的指导了-567m放水巷探放水工程设计,为实现矿井电法勘探定性甚至定量解释提供了有效的借鉴。 关键词: 高密度电法;电阻率;灰岩赋水性;评定分级;探放水 Experimental study on prospecting karst water of limestone seams in group A floor with electrical resistivity method ZHU Guowei1 WANG Huaixiu2 WANG Qihong3 ZHANG Teng1 WAN Xuelin1 TONG Tingting1 TAO Ping1 (1. State Key Laboratory of Coal Resources and Safe Mining, CUMT, Beijing, 100083, China; 2. School of Electrical and Infomation Engineering,Beijing Institute of Civil Engineering And Architecture,Beijing,100044,China; 3. Huainan Coal Mining Group,Huainan,Anhui 232001,China)Abstract:resistivity of the floor limestone seams’s bear water,the adopted method is samples test and Construction Locale test,The limestone and water samples were sampled from the chief water-bearing C3 3limestone seams in group A floor, No.42 mining area, XieYi Mine, and the resistivity distributions of the water and limestone samples were tested under the different water saturations .Also, the field survey results of high density electricity exploration in the -660m water-release tunnel were compared with the drilling hydrological data. The results shows that the resistivity of limestone water is not normally more than 30Ω·m, and the resistivity of dry limestone is very high, but the resistivity will quickly decrease when the limestone bears water and the electricity difference is clear corresponding to different water saturations. The boreholes were drilled in the water-contained or rich water section which were determined with high density electricity exploration in the -567m water-release tunnel. The hydrological parameters were tested from the drills whi


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