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178例小儿高热惊厥临床护理体会【摘要】 目的:探讨高热引发的小儿惊厥的治疗方法及治疗效果,总结对高热惊厥小儿护理时的注意事项。方法:将178例小儿高热惊厥患者分成治疗组和对照组,治疗组给予抗惊厥药物治疗和常规的退热、原发病治疗;对照组给予常规的退热和原发病治疗,不给于任何的抗惊厥药物治疗。结果:178例患儿治疗1~2周之后全部痊愈出院,2年内随访,治疗组84例有惊厥复发的18例,复发率为21.4%,对照组84例有惊厥复发的39例,复发率为46.4%,两组差异有统计学意义。结论:可以认为抗惊厥药物有利于小儿高热惊厥的治疗,并可预防小儿热性惊厥复发。在应用抗惊厥药物的基础上,护理患儿时还应保持环境安静、进行物理降温、注意饮食调护等,降低惊厥引发的脑损伤,提高治愈率。 【关键词】 高热惊厥;安定;苯巴比妥;护理 178 cases of pediatric nursing care of febrile seizures (clinical format) Wsng liang hong (First People’s Hospital Shuangliu County, Sichuan 610200) 【Abstract】Objective: To investigate the heat-induced convulsions in the treatment of children and the treatment, care and summary of febrile seizures in children when the notes. Methods: 178 patients with febrile seizures in children were divided into treatment group and control group, treatment group was treated with anticonvulsant therapy and conventional cooling, the primary disease treatment; control group received conventional treatment of fever and primary disease, not given any anticonvulsant drug treatment. Results: 178 cases of children 1 to 2 weeks after treatment all were discharged within 2 years follow-up, 84 patients treated 18 patients with seizure recurrence, the recurrence rate was 21.4% in the control group of 84 patients had 39 cases of seizure recurrence, the recurrence rate 46.4% between the two groups was statistically significant. Conclusion: It is beneficial that the anticonvulsant treatment of children with febrile seizures, and prevention of recurrence of febrile seizures in children. In the application on the basis of anticonvulsant drugs, care of children should also keep the environment quiet, physical cooling, diet nursing and so reduce the seizures caused by brain damage and improve the cure rate. 【Key words】febrile convulsion; stability; phenobarbital; Care 惊厥是儿科常见的急性病症,年龄越小发病率越高,发病次数过多或发病时间过长将会造成小儿颅脑损伤,产生无法挽回的后果。引发惊厥的原因很多,常常在很多急性疾病过程中出现,大多以强直或阵挛等骨骼肌运动性发作为主要临床症状。高热是小儿时期最常见的引发惊厥发作的病因,针对高热惊厥产生的严重后果,本文探讨和总结了我院儿科自2009年7


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