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271例抗菌药物不良反应分析[摘要] 目的 分析抗菌药物不良反应(ADR)发生的特点及临床表现,为临床合理用药提供参考。 方法 采用Excel 2003软件对山东省立医院2010年上报的271份抗菌药物ADR报告表进行回顾性分析。 结果 271例ADR共涉及抗菌药物10类41种药品。在不同种类抗菌药中,喹诺酮类引起ADR的例数最多,为62例(22.88%),其次是头孢菌素类44例(16.23%)和硝咪唑类41例(15.13%)。在不同品种抗菌药物中,左氧氟沙星引起ADR的例数最多,为43例(15.87%),其次是奥硝唑和阿奇霉素,分别为40例(14.76%)和30例(11.07%)。 结论 医院应加强ADR监测工作,为临床合理应用抗菌药物提供依据。 [关键词] 抗菌药物;药物不良反应;合理用药 [中图分类号] R978.1 [文献标识码] C [文章编号] 1673-7210(2012)01(c)-0128-03 Analysis of antimicrobial adverse drug reaction of 271 cases ZHANG Min1 FANG Yong1 XU Jiping2 1.Department of Pharmacy, Beijing Aerospace General Hospital, Beijing 100076, China; 2.Department of Pharmacy, Shandong Provincial Hospital, Ji’nan 250021, China [Abstract] Objective To analyze the characteristics and clinical manifestation of antimicrobial adverse drug reaction (ADR), in order to provide reference for clinical rational drug application. Methods 271 cases of ADRs which were caused by antimicrobial agents of Shandong provincial hospital in 2010 were analyzed retrospectively by Excel 2003 software. Results 10 categories 41 kinds of antimicrobial drugs were involved in the total 271 cases of ADRs. Among different categories of antimicrobial, the ADRs were mainly induced by Quinolones, 62 cases (22.88%) of ADRs were associated with it; Cephalosporins and Nitroimidazoles were followed, which had 44 cases (16.23%) and 41 cases of ADRs (15.13%). Among different kinds of antimicrobial, the greatest number of ADR were caused by Levofloxacin, 43 cases (15.87%) were included; Ornidazole and Azithromycin were followed, 40 cases (14.76%) and 30 cases (11.07%) were included respectively. Conclusion The monitoring of ADRs should be strengthened in hospital, in order to provide basis for clinical rational antimicrobial application. [Key words] Antimicrobial; Adverse drug reaction; Rational drug application 抗菌药物是目前医院(尤其是综合性医院)应用最为广泛的药物,几乎每个临床科室都会用到,因此,不可避免地会出现抗菌药物不合理应用现象,导致不必要的细菌耐药及药物不良反应(adverse drug reaction,ADR),延长患者住院时间及医药资源的浪费。据统计,抗菌药物的ADR一


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