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实时超声造影在鉴别肝脏良\恶性病变应用价值【摘要】目的 探讨实时超声造影在鉴别肝脏良、恶性病变的应用价值。方法 选取本院2009年10月-2011年2月的肝脏弥漫性或局灶性病变患者104例,均进行常规B超及彩色多普勒超声检查,其中同意接受超声造影成像的73例病例作为临床研究对象。结果 本组73例病例经过实时超声造影诊断为:原发性肝癌41例(56.2%),转移性肝癌17例(23.3%),肝血管瘤9例(12.3%),肝硬化结节3例(4.1%),肝内局灶性增生2例(2.7%),局灶性肝内脂肪缺失1例(1.4%)。另外,经过统计得出,本次研究应用实时超声影像鉴别鉴别肝脏良、恶性病变的敏感度为84.3%,特异度为95.4%,诊断符合率达到93%以上。结论 实时超声造影在鉴别肝脏良、恶性病变中具有重要的应用价值,有利于提高临床诊断率和治愈率。
【关键词】实时超声造影 鉴别 肝脏 良性 恶性病变
中图分类号:R445.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-0515(2011)4-011-02
Real-time ultrasound imaging in differentiating hepatic benign and m alignant lesions of the application
(The Third Hospital of Chengdu, Sichuan, Chengdu, Sichuan Province 610000)
【Abstract】Objective To investigate the real-time ultrasound imaging in differentiating hepatic benign and m alignant lesions of the application. Methods A hospital in October 2009 -2011 in February of the liver in patients with diffuse or focal lesions of 104 cases were routine B-and color Doppler ultrasound, ultrasound contrast imaging which agreed to accept the 73 cases as a clinical study. Results The cases of 73 cases diagnosed by real-time ultrasound: 41 cases of primary liver cancer (56.2%), metastatic liver cancer in 17 cases (23.3%), 9 cases of hepatic hemangioma (12.3%), liver cirrhosis Results Section 3 (4.1%), focal hyperplasia of the liver in 2 cases (2.7%), focal liver fat loss in 1 case (1.4%). In addition, obtained through statistical, research and application of this differential identification of liver ultrasound images of benign and m alignant lesions was 84.3% sensitivity and specificity was 95.4%, diagnostic accuracy of 93% or more. Conclusion Real-time ultrasound imaging in differentiating hepatic benign and m alignant lesions has important applications, helping improve the clinical diagnosis and cure rates.
【Key words】Real-time ultrasound identification of benign and m alignant lesions of the liver
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