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32 5 V o l. 32, N o. 5 2008 10 LA SER TECHNOLOGY O ctober, 200 8 : 1001- 3806 200 8) 05- 050 8- 02 1 1, 2 1* 2 2 何修军 , 谢 康 , 向安平 , 蒋孟衡 1. , 6 10054; 2. , 610225) : , , , : ; ; ; : O 734 : A R esearch of band gap of 1-D photon ic crysta ls 1, 2 1 2 2 HE X iu-jun , XI E Kang , XIANG An-p ing , JIANGM eng-heng 1. Schoo l of Optoe lectron ic Inform ation, U niversity o f E lectronics Sc ience T echno logy o f China, Chengdu 6 10054, Ch ina; 2. D epartm ent of O ptoe lectronic T echno logy, Chengdu U n ive rsity o f Info rm ation T echno logy, Chengdu 610225, Ch ina) A bstrac t: F or photonic cry sta ls w hose certa in w ave length is forbid band or perm it band, how to ga in the photonic crystals structure from the pho ton ic band gap structure w as studied by m eans of transfer m a trix m ethod. S mi u lation result w as obta ined about the photon ic crysta ls o f the certa in w ave leng th band gap. T he resu lt show s the m e thod can comp lete ly g ain the pho ton ic crysta ls w ho se the ce rtain w aveleng th is forb id band o r perm it band. T he result conduces to the ex tensive app lication of the photon ic crystals. K ey w ord s: optical dev ices; pho ton ic crysta ls; transfer m atrix m ethod; pho ton ic band g ap ; 2 , , 3 , YA BLONOV ITCH , pho ton ic band 2 gap, PBG ), PBG , [ 1-3] , , , ,



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