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高二上期中作文复习 高二上期中英语作文复习 Book 4 unit 4(询问+建议信) Lin Pei is your classmate. You are worried about her. She was upset and would not like to talk to you or other friends. Write some advice for her and describe her body language and explain why it worries you. Ask her if she can tell you why she is acting in this way. 【范文】 Dear Lin Pei, These days you are not doing your homework and the teacher is not pleased with you. When the teacher asks you for the homework, you will just shake your head and roll your eyes. When I see you in class, you are even having a daydream. You are not even listening to the teacher but looking out of the window. You seem have lost interested in the subjects. Is it because you could not understand the teacher? If not, why don抰 you raise your hand and ask the teacher to explain the problems that you are not clear about once more after class? Or why don抰 you turn to me for help? I am still your good friend as long as you want to make up for the lessons you have missed. I will try to help you and so will your other friends! I am sure you will soon become a really happy student again. Yours, Li Hua Book 4 unit 5(主题公园介绍) 请根据以下内容提示,用英语写一篇短文对香港迪斯尼乐园进行简要介绍。写作内容包括: 1 .地理位置:位于香港新界大屿山(Dayushan of Xinjie district)。


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