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咖啡的起源、发展、传播及饮料文化初探 ? 张 箭 (四川大学 历史文化学院,四川 成都 610064) ? 中国农史2006.2 ? ? 【摘要】古代非洲埃塞俄比亚人发现了咖啡,中世纪阿拉伯人栽培了咖啡。中世纪晚期,中国人促进了咖啡从神饮药饮转变为大众休闲饮料,土耳其人发明了咖啡正宗科学的饮用法,印度人参与了传播咖啡。在地理大发现时代(15世纪末至17世纪末),欧洲人把咖啡传遍全世界;此后又将咖啡馆文化发展得最繁荣。所以非、亚、欧人民都为咖啡发展为今日世界的三大饮料之一做出了贡献。晚清咖啡传入我国,民国在华已站稳脚跟。改革开放以来咖啡饮用开始在中国流行,并在逐步形成自己的咖啡文化。 【关键词】咖啡;种植;食用;传播;咖啡馆文化 【中图分类号】S571.9;K104 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1000-4459(2006)02-0022-08 [收稿日期]2005—10—28 [基金项目]四川省社科规划年度重点项目“15世纪末以来新大陆农作物在世界、中国的传播和意义” [作者简介]张箭(1955—),男,博士。四川大学历史系教授、博士生导师,南开大学历史系博士后研究人员。 Probe into Origin, Development, Spread and Beverage Culture of Coffee ZHANG Jian ( Faculty of History, Sichuan University, Chengdu ,610064) Abstract: The Ethiopian of Africa discovered the coffee in ancient time and the Arabian planted it in middle age. In the late medieval time, the Chinese promoted coffee to turn into a popular pastime beverage from a religious drink and a medical drink, the Turk invented the genuine and scientific drinking way of coffee and the Indian took part in spreading coffee. The Europeans spread coffee throughout the world in the time of the great geo- graphical discoveries ( from the ends of 15th to 17th century ), and developed the coffeehouse culture to the most thriving too ever since. Therefore the people of Africa, Asia and Europe have made contributions (in) together to that coffee becomes one of the three greatest beverages in todays world. Coffee spread into China in late Qing dynasty and got a finn foothold during the Republic of China(1912?949). Since the reformation and opening, drinking coffee becomes fashionable in China and the coffee culture of the Chinese own is forming gradually. Keywords: coffee; planting; edible use; spread; coffeehouse culture ? 咖啡与茶、可可并称为当今世界的三大饮料,为全世界约1/3的人口所饮用,其消耗量已仅次于茶。饮用咖啡在欧美国家很普遍、流行。在中国和其他东方国家,咖啡的饮用今天也有逐渐流行的趋势。但在中国学术界,还未见过从农业史、风俗史角度研究咖啡的论文和专著;也未见过在哪本农史书、历史地理书、饮食史书中有关于咖啡的一章、一节或一目。 鉴于此,本文探讨咖啡的起源、发展、食用、传播、入华和饮料文化等问题,以便抛砖引玉,开展和促进相关的研究,适应今天的形势。 ? 一、咖啡的起源 ? 咖啡树和咖啡食用的起源地公认在非洲


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