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DOI 牶牨牥牣牨牫牴牪牳牤j牣cnki牣wrahe牣牪牥牥牰牣牨牥牣牥牥牨   37 2 006 10 田富强, 胡和平 (清华大学 水沙科学与水利水电工程国家重点实验室(筹), 北京 100084 )  在众多植被截留模型中, 针对场次降雨建立的概念性指数模型由 具有 一定的物理基础, 且参数通过常规观测资料即可确定, 在构建物理性流域水文模型时被广泛采用。但在水文模型的应用 中, 计算是逐时段进行的, 这造成模型计算时段和适用时段之间的不匹配, 是植被截留计算误差的原 因之一。分析表明, 无论在一个计算时段内有多个降雨过程发生, 还是一场降雨过程被划分为多个计 算时段, 逐时段计算均将过高估计植被截留量。  植被截留;指数模型;物理性水文模型;误差分析 :P33    :A    :1000-0860(2006)10-000 1-03 Analy sis on sim u lation error of canopy in tercep tion in hydrological m od el T IAN Fu-q iang, HU H e-ping (S tate K ey L aboratory o Hydrosc ience and Eng ineering, Tsinghua U nive rsity, Beijing 100084, China) Ab strac :t Canopy in te rception p lays an mi po rtan t ro le in rain a l-l runo simu la tion o r highly-vege tated a rea.A great dea l o m od- e ls or intercep tion is pre sen ted, o w hich the conceptua l exponential m ode l propo sed by M e rriam is heavily u sed in physically based hydro log ical models or its smi plic ity and phy sica lly rea sonability.The exponen tialm ode l is va lid o r a sing le rain a ll even,t w h ile the hyd ro log ica lm ode ls alw ays run by a ce rtain tmi e interval.The incompatib le be wt een tmi e sca le o the m ode l and sca le o its applica tion leads to smi ula tion e rror o canopy interception, w h ich is ana lyzed in the pape r.The re su lts show tha t e ithe r the sing le ra in a ll event is pa rtitioned in to severa l smi ulation tim e in te rva ls in the hyd ro log ica lm ode ls, or seve ra l independent rain all events o ccur during one simu la tion tmi e interva,l the canopy interception is a wl ay s ove-r estmi a ted. K ey w ord s:canopy intercep tion;exponential mode;l phy sica lly based hydro log


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