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34 9 2003 9
·814· Chinese T raditio nal a nd Herbal Drug s
1 2 3 1 1
陈长勋 ,刘占文 ,孙峥嵘 ,宋纯清 ,胡之壁
( 1. , 200032; 2. , 200050; 3. , 200540)
: 。 ,
, A、、 ,ig ,
。 、、
、 A,。
, 。 。
: ; ;
: 286. 11 : : 0253 2670( 2003) 09 0814 03
Studies on anti-inflammatory effect of gentiopicroside
1 2 3 1 1
CHEN Chang-x un , L U Zha n-w en , SUN Zheng -rong , SONG Chun-qing , HU Zhi -bi
( 1. Sha ng hai Univ ersity of TCM , Sha nghai 200032, China; 2. Sha nghai To ng r en Ho spital, Shang hai 200050, China;
3. Sha ng hai Jinshi M edicinal M aterial Co. , Ltd, Shanghai 200540, China)
Abstract: Object To study the anti-inf lamm ato ry eff ect of g entiopicroside ex tract ed f ro m Rad ix Gen -
t ianae Marrop hy llae. Methods The model s of auricular edema in mice induced by dimet hyl benzene, in-
creased permeability of celiac blood capillary and body-twi sting reactio n induced by acetic acid, paw
sw elling induced by zymo san A, ca rrag eenan and nysta tin in ra ts or in mice w ere prepa red. Then gentiopi-
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croside was giv en to the rat s o r mice by ig Results Gentio picroside inhibit ed the auricular edema de-
creased t he permeability of celiac bloo d capillary , reduced the paw swelling induced by carrageenan and zy-
, .
mo san A but no t by nysta tion Conclusion Gentio picroside ex tracted f rom Rad ix Gent ianae Mar rop hy l -
, - .
lae ex hibit s obvious a nti inf lammat ory eff ect s
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