topic 1 Education-畅通.ppt

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topic 1 Education-畅通

topic 1 Education ---Working your way (unit 9) concluding exploring 谈论各种工作,询问工作以及职业规划 常用句型: 1. Im self-employed. 2. I work part-time in a restaurant as a waitress. 3. So hows it going at the moment? 4. What are the other people you work with like? 5. the more you learn the more you earn Group work Focus: discussing university education, agreeing and disagreeing A: Do you think a college education is important? B: Yes, I do. I think it’s important for your future. C: So do I. / I don’t. I think… Pair work Focus: asking and answering about one’s occupation People Work.MP4 A: What did he or she do ? B: she or he is a ……? exploring the topic accountant barber cashier cook cleaner clerk decorator dentist designer doctor driver editor engineer gardener guard lawyer housewife librarian manager model nurse sportsman plumber painter teacher waitress programmer exploring the topic internet development Jack Ma 中国企业家马云,浙江绍兴人,阿里巴巴集团主要创始人之一。现任阿里巴巴集团主席和首席执行官,他是《福布斯》杂志创办50多年来成为封面人物的首位大陆企业家,曾获选为未来全球领袖。除此之外,马云还担任中国雅虎董事局主席、杭州师范大学阿里巴巴商学院院长、华谊兄弟传媒集团董事等职务。在被曝将支付宝股权转移至自己名下公司之后,马云遭遇舆论“违背契约精神”的质疑。2011年6月14日,马云回应称其转移股权的决定“不完美”但“正确”。 经典演讲 马云斯坦福大学演讲 马云2012励志演讲 马云十周年庆典演讲 马云首届网商交易会精彩演讲 马云美国哥比亚大学商学院演讲 马云演讲视频激励在校大学生 Jack Ma says: 一个男人,可以不帅,但是一定要有风度,男人可以丑,但决不能丑陋。 一个男人,可以不用才高八斗,但是应该有自己的一技之长。 questions What do you think of Jack Ma and his business? Work or life? TOPICS Studies Jobs Career SPEAKING Group work Focus: discussing university education, agreeing and disagreeing Pairwork Focus: asking and answering about one’s occupation Talking about jobs and interviews Focus: simulating a job interview


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