覆冰对架空输电线路力学特性的影响 influence of ice accumulation on mechanical performance of overhead transmission line.pdfVIP

覆冰对架空输电线路力学特性的影响 influence of ice accumulation on mechanical performance of overhead transmission line.pdf

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覆冰对架空输电线路力学特性的影响 influence of ice accumulation on mechanical performance of overhead transmission line

覆冰对架空输电线路力学特性的影响 电工电气 (20 0 No.0) 覆冰对架空输电线路力学特性的影响 王少华 (浙江�电力试验研究院,浙江浙江 ���州州州 310014)310014)310014) 摘 要:覆冰条件下架空输电线路力学特性是输电线路抗冰设计的重要依据。采用“悬链曲线”理论 和“抛物线”理论计算分析了冰冻环境下,各种气象因素对导线及绝缘子串力学特性的影响。结果表明, 冰冻环境下,由温度变化引起的导线张力和形状变化并不明显;由覆冰而引起的导线张力和形状的变化 较为显著。对于各档导线不均匀覆冰或不同期脱冰的耐张档,两侧冰载不等的直线杆塔上承受的不平衡 张力最大,在输电线路抗冰设计时应结合气象条件予以重视。 关键词:覆冰;架空输电线路;力学特性 中图分类号:TM726 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2010)10-0035-05 Influence of Ice Accumulation on Mechanical Performance of Overhead Transmission Line WANG Shao-hua Zhejiang Electric Power Test and Research Institute, Hangzhou 004, China ( ) Abstract: Under the conditions of ice accumulation, the mechanical performance of overhead transmission line is an important reference for the design of transmission line. Based on the “catenary curve” and the “parabolic” theory, the influence of meteorological conditions on the mechanical performance of overhead transmission conductor and insulator string was analyzed. The results show that compared with temperature changing, the ice accretion has the greatest influence on the tensile force and shape of conductor. For the dead-end section with uneven ice accumulation or non-contemporaneous ice shedding, the linear tower with unequal ice amount at two sides bears the greatest im- balanced tension, which should be considered in the design of the transmission line. Key words: ice accumulation; overhead transmission line; mechanical performance 0 引言 水平荷载也会随着导线迎风面覆冰厚度的增加而增 加;当覆冰区线路档距、高差不相等时,导线覆冰 我国幅员辽阔,气象多变,每年从冬季到初



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