Binocular Holographic Waveguide Visor Display(双目全息波导遮阳板显示).pdf

Binocular Holographic Waveguide Visor Display(双目全息波导遮阳板显示).pdf

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Binocular Holographic Waveguide Visor Display(双目全息波导遮阳板显示)

Binocular Holographic Waveguide Visor Display William P. Bleha, Lijuan Alice Lei HOLOEYE Systems Inc., San Diego CA Abstract This paper documents the development of a prototype binocular, see-through, monochrome holographic waveguide helmet mounted display (HWVD). The optical system couples a commercial high resolution 1440 x 1080 pixel (1.5Mpixel) 12mm diagonal LCOS microdisplay with a state of the art holographic waveguide. Utilization of the waveguide gives a wide 40-degree field of view (FOV), while having a large 30x30 mm eyebox. With the advantages obtained by use of the holographic waveguide and the small LCOS microdisplay, the HWVD system enables significant cost, volume, and weight reductions as compared to existing CRT type designs. The design will also address power and efficiency requirements consistent with a pilot HMD system. Figure 1. Conventional HMD and Waveguide HMD Constructions (Image courtesy of BAE Systems) Author Keywords Holographic Waveguide Visor Display; Helmet Mounted Previously image waveguide technology has been reported Display; Binocular Display; LCOS; Near to Eye Display for HMD applications by BAE Systems. They have developed and produced the Q-Sight* monocular 1. Introduction



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