Biomechanical analysis of body mass transfer (生物力学分析的体重转移).pdf

Biomechanical analysis of body mass transfer (生物力学分析的体重转移).pdf

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Biomechanical analysis of body mass transfer (生物力学分析的体重转移)

\in Department of Veterans Affairs Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development Vol . 30 No . 4, 1993 Pages 412—422 Biomechanical analysis of body mass transfer during stair ascent and descent of healthy subjects James E . Zachazewski, MS, PT, SCS, ATC ; Patrick O . Riley, PhD ; David E. Krebs, PhD, PT MGH Institute of Health Professions, Boston, MA 02114 ; MGH Therapy Services, Boston, MA 02114; Biomotion Laboratory, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA 02114 Abstract—The purposes of this study were to : 1) assess should facilitate the development of appropriate interven- whole body center of mass (CM) motion in the frontal, tion strategies. sagittal, and transverse planes ; 2) compare CM displace- ment with center of pressure (CP) ; and, 3) further define Key words : center of mass, center of pressure, gait, the stance and swing subphases of stair ascent (SA) and ground reaction forces, stairs. stair descent (SD) based on critical CM, CP, and ground reaction force (GRF) events. SA and SD were analyzed on a convenience sample INTRODUCTION of 11 subjects . Unpaced data were collected from 28 SA trials and 24 SD trials utilizing a bilateral SELSPOT The kinetics and kinematics of the normal II®/TRACK© data acquisition system and two Kistler human gait cycle have been studied extensively force plates at a sampling frequency of 153 Hz . Twenty- (1,2,3) . This research has provided a better under- six discrete data points were chosen from each trial for standing of the mechanics of normal and pathologic analysis . Each identified point detailed the intersection, gait, thus improving the design and implementation separation, maximum or minimum value of CM, CP, or



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