
大跨度空间网格结构多维多点随机地震反应分析 - 地震工程与工程振动.pdf

大跨度空间网格结构多维多点随机地震反应分析 - 地震工程与工程振动.pdf

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大跨度空间网格结构多维多点随机地震反应分析 - 地震工程与工程振动

26 1 V o l. 26, N o. 1 2006 2 EARTHQUAKE ENG INEER ING AND ENG INEER ING V IBRAT ION F eb. 2006 : 1000- 1301 2006) 01- 0056- 08 李忠献, 林 伟, 丁 阳 , 300072) : , , 80m : , 30% ; ; , , : ; ; ; ; ; ; : P315. 964 : A Random seism ic response analysis of long-span spatial lattice structure under three-dim ensional and mult-i support earthquake excitations L i Zhongx ian, L in W e,i D ing Y ang S chool of C ivil E ngineering, T ianjin U n ivers ity, T ianjin 300072, Ch ina) Abstract: In th is paper, the m ethod o f random se ism ic response ana lysis for long- span spatia l lattice structures un- der the m ulti-support excitations of three-d mi ensiona l o rthogona l earthquake m o tion is established. The m odel pa- ram eters of the pow er spectral density of the stationary random earthquake m otion are determ ined according to the re lated spec ification o f current code fo r se ism ic design. The se ism ic responses of a square plate grid w ith a un iform co lum n spac ing of 80m are num erica lly smi ulated under the un iform exc itat ion, the trave ling-w ave ex citation and the random ex citation considering the partial coherence effect of the one-d mi ensional and three-d mi ensiona l earth- quake m o tions. T he results show that the internal forces of structura l bars m ay be g reat ly changed by considering the spat ial effect o f earthquake m ot ion, in w h ich the am plitudes of the internal forces o f the contro lling barsm ay be increased by 30% . The in fluence of the t


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