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车身焊装SE(同步工程) The SE of Bodywork welding ;车身焊装SE工程介绍;车身焊装SE工程介绍;一、关于白车身总成研究:the research of bodywork assembly.  1、总成件结构   the structure of assembly  2、焊接工艺流程  the flow of welding technics 二、生产性分析 analyse the capability of manufacture  1、零部件上线 the perts enter product line   1.1、上件顺序 the gradation entrance   1.2、上件是否干涉 check-up interference;  1.3、零部件搬运可行性 the feasibility of parts transit   1.4、工件结构分析 the analyse of parts structure  2、工位布置:station layout   2.1、根据部件布置工位 according the parts to lay the station   2.2、分析生产线可行性 analyse feasibility of product line   2.3、分析焊装线生产效率:初步确定自制和外协    analyse efficiency of welding line, choose the type of the parts manufacture;三、操作方便性分析 Analyse the opration  1、焊装条件分析 analyse the condition of welding   1.1、分析采用标准部件的焊接工艺性      Analyse technics of welding of use the normative parts   1.2、通过分析确定最佳焊点 ensure the first-rank weldings   1.3、分析焊接搭接边最佳长度     Analyse the best length of the joint line for welding   1.4、为特殊焊接部位采取有效对策     Take the effective way for the especial welding position;  1.5、对不可焊部位加以分析 analyse the position of no welding   1.6、为减少焊钳数量进行分析(实现焊钳标准化)     analyse the decrease of the number of welding torch  2、分析涂胶条件 analyse the condition of gelatinize   2.1、分析需采用涂胶的部位analyse the positing of gelatinize   2.2、分析涂胶型面analyse the face of gelatinize   2.3、就涂胶面形状及间隙进行分析analyse the shape and gap of      gelatinize face;四、质量保证体系:the system of quality guarantee  1、主控点(MCP)是否合适 Is the MCP appropriate?   1.1、确定主控点,编制主控点文件     ensure the MCP and write the file   1.2、检查型面,R角是否干涉     check out the face ,ensure the interference of R angle   1.3、检查工装定位孔合适与否 check out the orientation of jigs  2、分析结合面形状 analyse the shape of joint face  ; 3、公差分析 analyse tolerance   3.1、分析可加工公差部位(一般公差使用除外)      analyse the controllable tolerance   3.2、外观公差确定 ensure the tolerance of appearance   3.3、移动公差部件确定 ensure the parts with the mobile tolerance   3.4、移动公差范围 the bound of mobile tolerance  ; 4、包边质量 the quality of crimp   4.1、


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