Ch 13 Regional, Ethnic, and Religious Influences课件.ppt

Ch 13 Regional, Ethnic, and Religious Influences课件.ppt

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Ch 13 Regional, Ethnic, and Religious Influences课件

Chapter 13 REGIONAL, ETHNIC, AND RELIGIOUS INFLUENCES ON CONSUMER BEHAVIOR How are You Influenced By…? Where you are from? Ethnicity? Religion? Which is most important? What possible problems/opportunities for marketers? Chapter Overview Regional Influences Regions Within the U.S. Regions Across the World Ethnic Influences Ethnic Groups Within the U.S. Hispanic Americans African Americans Asian Americans Multicultural Marketing Ethnic Groups Around the World Religious Influences Regional Influences Regions Within the United States Nine Nations of North America Regional Influences Regions Within the United States Identifying Regions Based on Clustering Techniques Clustering PRIZM Regional Influences Regions Across the World Ethnic Influences Ethnic Groups Within the United States Ethnic Influences Hispanic Americans Characteristics Levels of Acculturation Family Orientation and Values Demographics Consumption Patterns Food-Consumption Patterns Influence of Acculturation Intensity of Ethnic Identification Accommodation Theory Ethnic Influences African Americans Characteristics Consumption Patterns Ethnic Influences Asian Americans Characteristics Consumption Patterns Ethnic Influences Multicultural Marketing Ethnic Influences Religious Influences Beliefs and Values Ties that Bind Affect on Consumer Behavior Clustering Purely data driven, statistical method of identifying relatively similar regions (no strong theory) Somewhat arbitrary assignments; results heavily dependent on number of clusters (groups or regions) “extracted” Practical, since market- relevant criteria can be selected The PRIZM System -- A Commercial Clustering Service 60 consumer measures within zip code area 36,000 zip code areas ???opportunity for great specificity Statistical methods used to find areas containing relatively similar consumers ???60 segments Used by U.S. military to locate most gainful recruitment locations Creeds and Consumption 峰獭秘竣娄寐窍滓炙汲耍涪放枕钳浅角拢偶六邹函醋木庄廖刘贪你雪勺辆Ch 13 Regional


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