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金钗石斛总多酚提取工艺抗氧化活性*费雯何沁嶷 王淼雨** 范益军** 1四川农业大学四川温江 611130 摘要: 通过Box-Behnke响应面分析法金钗石斛多酚,在单因素实验基础上,Box-Behnke响应面分析法对值、乙醇浓度和料液比等参数进行,最佳工艺以Vc为阳性对照乙醇浓度72% (v/v),料液比51 (g/mL),pH值3时金钗石斛总多酚提取效率最高,在该工艺条件下,金钗石斛总多酚的提取率为86.2%。体外抗氧化实验显示,金钗石斛总多酚对ABTS、 DPPH自由基和羟基自由基活性有程度的清除,与总多酚质量浓度呈正相关greement on Basic Telecommunication Services)、DPPH(1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl)、羟自由基三种自由基的清除率分别为100%、78.54%和49.1%。试验表明,金钗石斛总多酚在本实验的最优提取工艺条件下,提取得率及多酚含量较高,且得到的金钗石斛总多酚有良好的抗氧化能力。图表参关键词:金钗石斛;多酚;响应面法;抗氧化 Study on the extraction conditions of polyphenols from Dendrobium nobile and the evaluation of it’s antioxidant activities in vitro* FEI Wen1, CHUN Ze2, HE Qin-yi1, WANG Miao-yu 1, LUO Ao-xue1**, FAN Yi-jun1** 1.Department of Landscape Plants, Sichuan Agriculture University, Wengjiang 611130, China 2.Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu 610041, China; Abstract: Objectives: Dendrobium nobile have various health care functions, which with prominent medicinal value。The extraction conditions of polyphenols from Dendrobium nobile and antioxidant activity in vitro were studied in this study。Methods: By evaluating with a single-factor experiment, the main parameters that affected the yield of phenolics was found, including the pH of solvent, ethanol concentration and ratio of water to raw material. Meanwhile, the antioxidant activities of the total polyphenols extract were evaluated by ABTS radicals, DPPH radicals and hydroxyl radicals using Vc as control。Results: Through the Box-Behnken method, the optimal extraction parameters to obtain the highest total polyphenols yield were ethanol concentration 72%(v/v), ratio of water to raw material 1:50 (g/mL), pH 3. The extraction yield of total phenolic were 0.862 under these conditions。The radical scavenging activity in clearing ABTS, DPPH and OH free radical was 100%, 78.54% and 49.1% when the concentration of total phenolic from Dendrobium nobile was 5 mg/mL。Conclusions: Responsesurface methodology is applicable for the optimization


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