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真题重现 (三种从句);3. (2011福建) She has a gift for creating an atmosphere for her students,____ allows them to communicate freely with each other. A which B. where C. what D. who ;5. (2008上海) We went through a period ____ communications were very difficult in the rural areas. A. which B. whose C. in which D. with which;7. ______ was of little importance. A. Whether he passed the examination or not B. No matter he might pass the examination C. He might pass the examination D. What he passed the examination 8. The thick smoke covered the whole city. It was _____ a great black blanket had been thrown over it. A. that B. because C. as if D. even if 9. Word came from Mr. Smith ______ he could arrive on the following Saturday. A. about which B. that C. whether D. of which ;;13.If you judge a person only by his appearance, shows how shallow you are. A. which B .that C.what D.one 14. your blood if it is needed. A.Given B. Giving C.Give D.To give 15.Helping others is a good habit, you can learn even at an early age. A.that B.what C it D.one ;高考英语单选陷阱题; 同学们在平时做题的过程中常常有这样的现象:有些题目看起来很眼熟,于是按照以往的经验轻而易举就得出 “正确答案”,却不料这是命题者设下的一个“陷阱”,导致失分。这样的题,就是我们常说的“陷阱题 ”。它常出现在高考英语单选题中,常常利用大家熟悉的句型结构或者一些固定搭配来达到干扰答题者答题的目的。 ;特 别 注 意;单选陷阱题的类型;●定向思维干扰;例如:; 2. A poet and artist ________ coming to speak to us about Chinese literature and painting tomorrow afternoon. (2006江苏34) A. is B. are C. was D. were   ;;●母语思维干扰 ;例如:;2.——I’m dead tired. I can’t walk any farther, Jenny. ——_________, Tommy. You can do it! (06江西22) A. No problem B. No hurry C. Come on D. That’s OK   ;Tips:;●标点符号干扰;例如:;【跳出陷阱】复习时,对标点符号进行简单的复习,至少要了解英语标点符号的大致用法,并要注意中英文标点符号的一些区别。 ;●插入信息干扰 ;例如:;Tips:; ●语境情境干扰 ;例如: ;Tips:;●变换句式干扰 ;例如:;This is your work. In _____ case are you to leave your post. A. any???? B. thisC. which??? D. no ;Tips:;;1.


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